a. In case of a snowfall or other emergency, the commissioner may employ and hire temporarily as many persons, vehicles, machinery and equipment as shall be rendered necessary by such emergency, forthwith reporting, in the case of a snowfall, the number of such persons, vehicles, machinery and equipment and in the case of any other emergency such action with the full particulars thereof to the mayor, but in the case of a snowfall no such person, vehicles, machinery or equipment shall be so hired or employed for a longer period than seven days and in the case of any other emergency for a longer period than three days.
b. All such employees shall be employed directly by the department and not through contractors or other persons, unless the commissioner shall determine that this requirement must for proper action in a particular instance be dispensed with.
c. The services of any person employed, and of vehicles, machinery and equipment hired pursuant to this section, shall be paid for in full and directly by the department, at such times as may be prescribed by the commissioner.
d. In all emergency work performed by laborers in the removal of snow where workers are engaged by the hour or day by a contractor employed for the purpose, such work shall be paid for directly to those individuals employed on it, in the currency of the United States and not by check or ticket. Every contractor engaged in the removal of snow shall be required to stipulate with the commissioner or others empowered to enter into contracts for that purpose, as the case may be, to observe the provisions of this subdivision, a violation of which shall be deemed to abrogate any such contract.
a. In all cases where the sidewalk or roadway of a street shall be incumbered or obstructed by the caving in or falling off of any earth, rocks or rubbish, or anything whatever, from any lot adjoining such sidewalk or roadway, the owner or occupant of such lot, or the agent of such owner or occupant, shall cause such earth, rocks, rubbish or other thing to be removed and cleaned from such sidewalk or roadway, within three days after a written or printed notice shall have been served by the commissioner or a duly designated representative, on such owner, personally, or shall have been left at the place of residence of such owner in this city; or, if such owner does not reside in the city, and such notice shall not be personally served, then within twenty days after such notice to be sent by mail, addressed to such owner at his or her place of residence, or, when such residence is unknown to such commissioner, within twenty days after such notice shall have been posted in a conspicuous place on such premises.
b. If the owner, occupant or agent fails to comply with such notice, within the time specified in this section, after notice thereof, the commissioner shall cause the same to be removed at the expense of the owner, occupant or agent, and such expense shall be sued for and recovered in the name of the city.
c. The corporation counsel shall cause a statement of such cost and expense, together with the description of the premises, to be filed in the office of the register or county clerk of the appropriate county.
d. Any person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred fifty dollars, imprisonment for not more than ten days, or both.
e. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be liable and responsible for a civil penalty of fifty dollars.
f. In the instance where the notice of violation, appearance ticket or summons is issued for a breach of the provisions of this section and sets forth thereon civil penalties only, such process shall be returnable to the environmental control board, which shall have the power to impose the civil penalties hereinabove provided in subdivision e of this section.
g. In the event that a violator fails to answer such notice of violation, appearance ticket or summons within the time provided therefor by the rules and regulations of the environmental control board, such violator shall become liable for additional penalties. The additional penalties shall not exceed fifty dollars for each violation.
(Am. L.L. 2021/080, 7/18/2021, eff. 11/15/2021)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2021/080.
a. The commissioner shall remove, or cause to be removed, any vehicle, box, barrel, bale of merchandise or other movable property or article or thing whatsoever found upon any street, in accordance with regulations adopted by the board of estimate.
b. The board of estimate shall set forth, in such regulations, the procedures to be followed by the commissioner relating to:
1. the leasing of yards for storage of property removed under the authority of this section;
2. notification to the owner of the property removed, if such owner is ascertainable, that the property is being held by the commissioner;
3. redemption, by the owner, of the property removed;
4. reimbursement, by the owner, of the expenses of removal incurred by the commissioner;
5. the sale, by the commissioner, of the property held by him or her;
6. the keeping of records and accounts, the transmission of such records to the comptroller, and the transmission of funds collected to the commissioner of finance; and
7. such other regulations as the board of estimate may deem necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.
c. Such regulations shall not become effective until adopted by the board of estimate and filed, by the secretary of such board, with the city clerk, pursuant to section eleven hundred five of the charter.