a. Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following terms have the following meanings:
Street cleaning regulations. The term "street cleaning regulations" means parking regulations created for the purposes of facilitating street cleaning that are either: (i) on posted signs consisting of the letter "P" with a broom through it, or (ii) on posted signs containing "No Parking" rules restricting parking on one day per week or on alternate days, except that signs restricting parking for a period of six or more consecutive hours on one day per week or on alternate days are not street cleaning regulations.
Global positioning system. The term "global positioning system" or "GPS" means the global positioning system, or a comparable location tracking technology, that uses navigational satellites to determine a location in real time and is capable of collecting, storing and transmitting geographical data.
Street sweeper. The term "street sweeper" means a vehicle under the jurisdiction of the department that is equipped with a mechanical broom to clean streets.
b. GPS equipment. The commissioner shall require that all street sweepers be equipped with GPS technology and that such technology is in operation during street cleaning.
c. Publication of information regarding progress of street sweepers. Not later than December 31, 2023, the commissioner, in consultation with the department of information technology and telecommunications and the department of transportation, shall publish and maintain a page on the department's website that allows the public to track the progress of street sweepers in servicing blocks with scheduled street cleaning regulations, using data from GPS devices installed on such sweepers. Such GPS data shall be preserved and publicly available on a city website. Such reported information shall not be construed to allow a driver to park on a block where parking is prohibited by street cleaning regulations during the time such street cleaning regulations are in effect.
d. Report. Not later than June 30, 2024, and every six months thereafter for two years, the commissioner shall submit a report on street cleaning, using data from GPS devices installed on street sweepers, to the mayor and the speaker of the council and post such report on the department's website. Such report shall include, but not be limited to:
1. The number of routes a street sweeper was scheduled to service in such sanitation district in accordance with posted street cleaning regulations;
2. The percentage of routes completed by a street sweeper in such district; and
3. Any explanation as to why routes in such district were not completed as scheduled, if applicable.
(L.L. 2023/009, 1/21/2023, eff. 1/21/2023)