The corporation counsel shall cause one of the maps described in section 5-379 of this subchapter, or a certified copy thereof, to be filed in the office of the clerk of each county in which any real estate laid out on such map shall be located except that in any county in which there is a register's office, such map shall be filed therein instead of in the office of the county clerk. The other maps described in section 5-379 of this subchapter shall be disposed of in the manner indicated in succeeding sections of this subchapter.
After such maps shall have been filed as provided for in the preceding section of this subchapter, the corporation counsel, for and on behalf of the city, upon first giving the notice required in the next section of this subchapter, shall apply to the supreme court at any special term thereof to be held in the judicial district in which the lands or some part thereof shown on such maps, and the title to which it is proposed to acquire in the proceeding thus instituted, is situated, for the appointment of commissioners of appraisal. Upon such application the corporation counsel shall present to the court a petition signed and verified by the commissioner of environmental protection, according to the practice of the court, setting forth the action theretofore taken by the commissioner and by the board of estimate and the filing of such maps, and praying for the appointment of commissioners of appraisal. Such petition shall contain a general description of all the real estate to, in, or over which any title, interest, right or easement is sought to be acquired for the city for the purpose of this subchapter, each parcel being more particularly described by a reference to the number of such parcel as given on such maps, and the title, interest or easement sought to be acquired to, in or over such parcel, whether a fee or otherwise, shall be stated in the petition.
The corporation counsel shall give notice in the City Record, and in two public newspapers published in the city of New York and in two public newspapers published in each other county in which any real estate laid out on such maps may be located, and which it is proposed to acquire in the proceeding, of the corporation counsel's intention to make application to such court for the appointment of commissioners of appraisal which notice shall specify the time and place of such application, shall briefly state the object of the applications and shall describe the real estate sought to be taken or affected. A statement of the real estate to be acquired or affected for the purpose of carrying out the said plan or plans or in any part thereof with separate enumerations of the numbers of the parcels to be taken in fee, and of the numbers of the parcels in which an easement is to be acquired, together with the route of the tunnels and aqueducts by courses and distances and of the greatest and least width of its required easement or parcel of land with a reference to the dates and places of filing such maps, shall be sufficient description of the real estate sought to be so taken or affected. Such notice shall be so published, once in each week, in each of such newspapers, for six weeks immediately previous to the presentation of such petition; and the corporation counsel shall in addition to such advertisement cause copies of the same in hand bills to be posted up, for the same space of time in at least twenty conspicuous places on the line of the aqueduct or in the vicinity of the real estate so to be taken or affected and shall cause a copy of such notice to be mailed to the owners of such real estate whose names and addresses are known or are readily ascertainable. After the original appointment of commissioners of appraisal pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter, the corporation counsel may apply at a special term of the supreme court in the same judicial district where application for such original commission was made for the appointment of a successor commission, upon first giving ten days' notice by advertisement in the newspapers hereinabove described of his or her intention to make such application.
At the time and place mentioned in such notice, unless such court shall adjourn such application to a subsequent day and in that event at the time to which the same may be adjourned, such court, upon due proof to its satisfaction of the required publication and posting aforesaid, and upon filing such petition, shall make an order for the appointment of three disinterested and competent freeholders, at least one of whom shall reside in the city and at least one of whom shall reside in the county or one of the counties in which such real estate shall be situated, as commissioner of appraisal to ascertain and appraise the compensation to be made to the owners and all persons interested in the real estate laid down on such maps as proposed to be taken or affected for the purpose indicated in this subchapter. Such order shall fix the time and place for the first meeting of such commissioners.