Whenever a woman is arrested and taken to a police station, it shall be the duty of the officer in command of the station to cause a female staff member assigned to this detail to be summoned forthwith, and whenever a woman is arrested in any precinct in which no such female staff member is assigned, she shall be taken directly to the station house designated to receive the women prisoners of the precinct in which the arrest is made. Such separate confinement, or any such removal of any woman, shall not operate to take from any court any jurisdiction which it would have had. The term "woman" as used in this section and section 14-131 of this title shall not include any female either actually or apparently under the age of sixteen years whose care is assumed by any incorporated society for the prevention of cruelty to children; but every such female detainee under the age of sixteen shall be taken directly to a station house designated to receive women prisoners and shall be at once transferred therefrom by the officer in charge, to the custody of such society.
In any precinct or precincts, comprising waters of the harbor, the commissioner may use and procure, through the department of citywide administrative services, such boats as shall be deemed necessary.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1996/059.
Whenever any member of the uniformed force of the department shall, while in the actual performance of police duty, lose or have destroyed any of his or her personal belongings, satisfactory proof thereof having been shown to the commissioner, such member shall be reimbursed to the extent of the loss sustained, at the expense of the city.
a. To members of force. The commissioner for meritorious and extraordinary services rendered by any member of the force in due discharge of his or her duty, may permit any member of the force to retain for his or her own benefit any reward or present, or some part thereof, tendered him or her therefor; and it shall be cause for removal from the force for any member thereof to receive any such reward or present without notice thereof to the commissioner. Upon receiving such notice, the commissioner may either order the said member to retain the same, or shall dispose of it for the benefit of the police pension fund.
b. To informers. The commissioner shall have authority to offer rewards to induce any person to give information which shall lead to the detection, arrest and conviction of persons guilty of a felony and to pay such awards to such persons who shall give such information. Such a reward shall be offered only if there be an unexpended appropriation therefor. The city shall make the necessary appropriation for such purpose.
a. The commissioner, and his or her deputies shall have the power to issue subpoenas, attested in the name of the commissioner and to exact and compel obedience to any order, subpoena or mandate issued by them and to that end may institute and prosecute any proceedings or action authorized by law in such cases. The commissioner, and his or her deputies may in proper cases issue subpoena duces tecum. The commissioner may devise, make and issue process and forms of proceedings to carry into effect any powers or jurisdiction possessed by him or her.
b. The commissioner, each of his or her deputies, the chief clerk, and the first and second deputy clerks of such department and hearing officers of the division of licenses or any superior officer of the rank of sergeant or above specifically designated by the commissioner, are hereby authorized and empowered to administer oaths and affirmations in the usual or appropriate forms, to any person in any matter or proceedings authorized as aforesaid, and in all matters pertaining to the department, or the duties of any officer or other person in matters of or connected with such department and to administer oaths of office which may be taken or required in the administration or affairs of such department, and to take and administer oaths and affirmations, in the usual or appropriate forms in taking any affidavit or disposition which may be necessary or required by law or by order, rule or regulation of the commissioner for or in connection with the official purposes, affairs, powers, duties or proceedings of the department, or of such commissioner or member of the force or any official purpose lawfully authorized by said commissioner.
c. Any person making a complaint that a felony or misdemeanor has been committed may be required to make oath or affirmation thereto, and for this purpose the commissioner, each of his or her deputies, the chief clerk, or deputy clerks of the department, the inspectors, captains, lieutenants and sergeants shall have power to administer oaths and affirmations.
A copy of the minutes of the commissioner or of any part of such minutes, or of any order or resolution of the commissioner, or of the rules and regulations established by him or her when certified by the commissioner or the chief clerk, or first deputy clerk of the department, may be given in evidence upon any trial, investigation, hearing or proceeding in any court, or before any tribunal, commissioner or commissioners, or board, with the same force and effect as the original.