Any person who without permission of the commissioner:
1. makes or engraves, or causes or procures to be made or engraved, or willingly aids or assists in making or engraving, a plate or other means of reproducing or printing the resemblance or similitude of an official department identification card, working press card, emergency repair service card, press photographer's vehicle card, newsreel camera vehicle card, emergency service card or any other official card issued by the department; or
2. has in his or her possession or custody any implements, or materials, with intent that they shall be used for the purpose of making or engraving such a plate or means of reproduction; or
3. has in his or her possession or custody such a plate or means of reproduction with intent to use, or permit the same to be used, for the purpose of taking therefrom any impression or copy to be uttered; or
4. has in his or her possession or custody any impression or copy taken from such a plate or means of reproduction, with intent to have the same filled up and completed for the purpose of being uttered; or
5. makes or engraves, or causes or procures to be made or engraved, or willingly aids or assists in making or engraving, upon any plate or other means of reproduction, any figures or words with intent that the same may be used for the purpose of altering any genuine card hereinbefore indicated or mentioned; or
6. has in his or her custody or possession any of the cards hereinbefore mentioned, or any copy or reproduction thereof; Is guilty of an offense punishable by a fine of not less than two hundred fifty dollars, or imprisonment for not more than thirty days, or both.
a. Only persons shall be appointed or reappointed to membership in the police force or continue to hold membership therein, who are citizens of the United States and who have never been convicted of a felony, and who can read and write understandably the English language. Skilled officers of experience may be appointed for temporary detective duty who are not residents of the city. Only persons shall be appointed police officers who shall be at the date of the filing of an application for civil service examination less than thirty-five years of age, except, that every person who, as of the fifteenth day of April 1997, satisfied all other requirements for admission to the New York city police department academy shall be admitted to such academy and shall be eligible for appointment as a police officer, subject to the provisions of the civil service law and any applicable provisions of the charter, notwithstanding that such person was thirty-five years of age or older on the fifteenth day of April 1997. Persons who shall have been members of the force, and shall have been dismissed therefrom, shall not be reappointed. Consistent with subdivision 4 of section 50 of the civil service law and section 813 of the charter, a person who has been a member of any police force shall not be appointed as a member of the force if such person was dismissed from such other police force due to misconduct or resigned while being investigated pursuant to a charge of misconduct. Persons who are appointed as police trainees, after examination in accordance with the civil service law and the rules of the commissioner of citywide administrative services and who have satisfactorily completed service as such trainees, may likewise be appointed as police officers without further written examination, provided that they shall have passed a medical examination at the end of their required trainee period. Persons appointed as police trainees shall not be considered members of the uniformed force of the department.
b. Preliminary to a permanent appointment as police officer there shall be a period of probation for such time as is fixed by the civil service rules, and permanent appointments shall only be made after the required probationary period has been served, but the service during probation shall be deemed to be service in the uniformed force, if succeeded by a permanent appointment, and as such shall be included and counted in determining eligibility for advancement, promotion, retirement and pension.
(Am. L.L. 2022/017, 1/9/2022, eff. 2/8/2022)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1996/059 and L.L. 1998/023.
a. Every member of the force shall have issued to him or her by the department, a proper warrant of appointment, signed by the commissioner and chief clerk or first deputy clerk of the department or of the commissioner, which warrant shall contain the date of appointment and rank.
b. Each member of the force shall, before entering upon the duties of his or her office, take an oath of office and subscribe the same before any officer of the department who is empowered to administer an oath.
a. There shall be paid a minimum of three thousand dollars to all police officers of the first grade.
b. Such pay or compensation shall be paid bi-weekly to each person entitled thereto, subject to such deductions for or on account of lost time, sickness, disability, absence, fines or forfeitures, as the commissioner may by rules and regulations, from time to time, prescribe or adopt.
c. When a first grade police officer of the New York city police department shall have served in the rank of police officer for a period of twenty-five years, such officer shall have the same rights in respect to the New York state and local police and fire retirement system or the New York city police pension fund as a police officer designated to act as detective of the third grade who shall have served as such for a period of time aggregating two years at the highest salary rate for a detective of the third grade.
d. When a first grade police officer of the New York city police department shall have served in the rank of police officer for a period of thirty years, such officer shall have the same rights in respect to the New York state and local police and fire retirement system or the New York city police pension fund as a sergeant who shall have served as such for a period of time aggregating two years at the highest salary rate for a sergeant.
(Am. 2024 N.Y. Laws Ch. 55, 4/20/2024, eff. 4/20/2024)
a. Any member of the police force in the department who prior to his or her appointment or employment as such, has served or shall have served, as a member of the uniformed force of the fire department, after appointment therein pursuant to the rules of the commissioner of citywide administrative services and the provisions of law applicable thereto, shall have the time served by him or her in such fire department counted as service in the department in determining his or her compensation, promotion, retirement and pension in such department as herein or otherwise provided, upon condition that he or she shall contribute to the police relief or pension fund a sum equal to the amount which he or she would have been required to contribute had the time served in the fire department been served in the department.
b. Within one year after the police pension fund shall request a transfer of reserves with respect to any such person who becomes a member of the police pension fund on or after July first, nineteen hundred ninety-eight, who performed such prior service in the uniformed force of the fire department, and who has qualified for benefits under this section, the fire department pension fund shall transfer to the contingent reserve fund of the police pension fund the reserve on the benefits of such member which is based on the contributions made by the employer (including the reserve-for-increased-take-home-pay). Such reserve shall be determined by the actuary of the fire department pension fund in the same manner as provided in section forty-three of the retirement and social security law. No such transfer of reserves pursuant to this subdivision shall be made with respect to any person who became a member of the police force in the department prior to July first, nineteen hundred ninety-eight.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1996/059.
The time served by a member of the uniformed force of the department, who was appointed pursuant to the rules of the commissioner of citywide administrative services and the provisions of law applicable thereto and thereafter resigned after serving as such, to accept a position in the fire department and is thereafter restored to his or her former position as a member of the department, in accordance with the rules of such commissioner and the provisions of law applicable thereto, in both departments, shall be included and counted as service in the department, in determining his or her compensation, promotion, retirement and pension as herein or otherwise provided. Any such person shall be entitled to participate in the benefits of the police pension fund if he or she shall have contributed to such pension fund a sum equal to that which he or she would have been required to contribute had he or she remained a member of the uniformed force of the department from the date of his or her entry into the service of the department.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1996/059.
a. Promotions of officers and members of the force shall be made by the commissioner, as provided in section eight hundred seventeen of the charter, on the basis of seniority, meritorious service and superior capacity, as shown by competitive examination, but a detail to act as inspector, or to service in the detective bureau, as hereinafter provided, shall not be deemed a promotion. Individual acts of personal bravery or honorable service in the United States army, navy, marine corps or army nurse corps in times of war may be treated as an element of meritorious service in such examination, the relative rating therefor to be fixed by the commissioner of citywide administrative services. The police commissioner shall transmit to the commissioner of citywide administrative services in advance of such examination the complete record of each candidate for promotion.
b. Sergeants shall be selected from among police officers of the first grade. Lieutenants shall be selected from among sergeants who shall have served at least one year continuously as such. Captains shall be selected from among lieutenants who shall have served at least one year as lieutenants.
c. The commissioner shall, in the exercise of his or her discretion, from time to time, detail nineteen captains and so many others as the mayor may authorize upon the recommendation of the commissioner to act as inspectors, with the title, while so acting, of inspectors of police and at his or her pleasure may revoke any or all such details. While so detailed, such officers shall receive a salary to be fixed by the mayor, in addition to the amount of salary which regularly attaches to the office of captain. When a captain shall have acted under regular detail in any capacity above the rank of captain, during a period or periods aggregating two years, such officer, upon becoming eligible therefor, shall be entitled to a pension of not less than one-half of the salary received by him or her per year. When the commissioner, however, designates a captain to act in the place of a captain under regular detail as inspector, during the temporary absence or disability of the latter the officer so designated shall not be entitled to any additional salary, and the period of such designation shall not be counted in his or her favor in computing such two-year period. When a captain shall have served in the rank of captain for a period of fifteen years, he or she shall have the same rights in respect to the police pension fund as a captain detailed to act as deputy chief who shall have served as such for a period of time aggregating two years. A captain who shall have served as such less than fifteen years and more than ten years shall have the same rights in respect to the police pension fund as a captain detailed to act as inspector who shall have served as such for a period of time aggregating two years. A captain who shall have served as such less than ten years and more than five years shall have the same rights in respect to such police pension fund as a captain detailed to act as a deputy inspector who shall have served as such for a period of time aggregating two years. A period beginning March thirtieth, nineteen hundred sixty-five, and ending November thirtieth, nineteen hundred sixty-six, during which a captain shall have served as a provisional captain immediately prior to a permanent promotion to such rank shall be deemed to have been service as a permanent captain for the purposes of this section. A captain, while detailed to act as inspector, shall be chargeable with and responsible for the discipline and efficiency of the force under his or her command.
(2015 N.Y. Laws Ch. 552, 12/11/2015, eff. 12/11/2015)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1996/059.