107.5 Plumbing plans.
Construction documents for plumbing work shall contain plans which include the following data and information. Such plans shall not be required in connection with applications for limited plumbing alterations.
1. Riser diagrams showing the story heights, all plumbing fixtures with diagrammatic arrangement of their connections to soil, waste, and vent piping, all soil, waste, and vent stacks from the point of connection with the building drain to their termination above the roof, all leader and storm water piping from the point of connection with the building drain to the roof drain, and all risers.
2. Diagrammatic floor plans showing the location, layout, and spacing of all plumbing fixtures, the summation of plumbing loads, the size, location, and material for all building sewers and drains, and the soil, waste, vent, water, and gas distribution piping.
3. Floor plans showing typical layouts; and stack details shown on one drawing, provided that such details are clearly identified as to location and stack number.
4. Plans clearly indicating all appurtenant equipment, including, but not limited to, pumps, ejectors, water tanks, and piping.
5. In the case of plans for new plumbing systems, and alterations of existing plumbing systems, plans indicating:
5.1. The relative elevation of the lowest fixture referred to the city datum provided in Section 28-104.7.6 of the Administrative Code and the approximate inside top of the public sewers;
5.2. The number, size, and location of all proposed sewer connections and relative location and size of all water mains, leaders, and risers; and
5.3. A statement from the Department of Environmental Protection, giving the minimum water pressure in the main serving the building.
6. Seismic protection and restraint details for piping and equipment as required by Chapter 16 of the New York City Building Code.
7. Details showing structural supports for water tanks where required.
8. In flood hazard areas, construction documents shall comply with Appendix G of the New York City Building Code.
(Am. L.L. 2023/077, 6/11/2023, eff. 6/11/2023)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2023/077.
107.6 Discharge of sewage and discharge and/or management of stormwater runoff.
Applications for construction document approval shall comply with Sections 107.6.1, 107.6.2 and 107.6.3.
(Am. L.L. 2017/097, 5/30/2017, eff. 6/1/2019)
107.6.1 Sewage.
Applications for construction document approval shall include submittal documents relating to the availability and feasibility of a public sanitary or public combined sewer and/or other approved discharge for sewage in accordance with Sections and for the following types of applications:
1. New buildings that include any fixtures that produce sewage;
2. Alterations that require an increase in size to an existing sanitary or combined sewer connection; and/or
3. Alterations requiring a new connection to a sanitary or combined sewer. Connection feasible and available.
Where a public sanitary or combined sewer availability is certified by the Department of Environmental Protection or certified by an applicant in accordance with rules of such department and connection thereto feasible, the applicant shall submit:
1. Department of Environmental Protection certification of availability and feasibility. A sewer certification issued by the Department of Environmental Protection that a public sanitary or combined sewer is available and connection thereto is feasible. Applications for such certification shall be made to the Department of Environmental Protection on forms specified by such department (Department of Environmental Protection "house/site connection proposal application" or other form as specified in the rules of such department) and shall be reviewed and approved by such department in accordance with the rules of such department. Such certification may be conditioned by such department on part or all of the sewage to be disposed of with an on-site disposal system or with the use of an alternative disposal system; or
2. Applicant certification of availability and feasibility. A certification submitted by the applicant to the Department of Environmental Protection in accordance with the rules of such department that a public sanitary or combined sewer is available and connection thereto is feasible, in such cases where the availability and feasibility of connection to a public sanitary or combined sewer are allowed to be certified by the applicant pursuant to such rules. Such certification shall be on forms specified by such department (Department of Environmental Protection "house/site connection proposal application" or other form as specified in the rules of such department). Connection not feasible or not available.
Where a public sanitary or combined sewer is not available, or where connection thereto is not feasible, the applicant shall submit:
1. Department of Environmental Protection or applicant certification of unavailability or non-feasibility.
(i) A certification issued by the Department of Environmental Protection that a public sanitary or combined sewer is not available or that connection to an available sewer is not feasible. Such certification shall be on forms specified by such department (Department of Environmental Protection "house/site connection proposal application" or other form as specified in the rules of such department) or
(ii) A certification submitted by the applicant to the Department of Environmental Protection that a public sanitary or combined sewer is not available or that connection thereto is not feasible, in such cases where the availability and feasibility of connection to a public sanitary or combined sewer are allowed to be certified by the applicant pursuant to the rules of such department. Such certification shall be on forms specified by such department (Department of Environmental Protection "house/site connection proposal application" or other form as specified in the rules of such department); and
2. On-site disposal. A proposal for the design and construction of a system for the on-site disposal of sewage conforming to the provisions of this code and other applicable laws and rules including but not limited to minimum required distances from lot lines or structures and subsoil conditions. Construction documents for such system shall be subject to the approval of the department.