It shall be lawful for the comptroller in his or her discretion from time to time but not before maturity, to cancel any portion of the indebtedness of the city incurred on or after January first, eighteen hundred ninety-eight, which may be held by him or her in any sinking fund of the city established prior to July first, nineteen hundred eighty-one and which may by law be redeemable from such sinking fund.
All obligations which shall be purchased by the comptroller with respect to the several sinking funds of the city established prior to July first, nineteen hundred eighty-one shall be transferred to the comptroller, and all transfers thereof shall be made by the comptroller. Obligations of the city which shall be purchased by the comptroller shall not be cancelled by the comptroller until the final redemption of the same, and all interest accruing therefrom shall regularly be paid to the appropriate sinking funds.
Whenever it shall appear to the mayor that the accumulations in any sinking fund of the city established prior to July first, nineteen hundred eighty-one will be insufficient to meet the payment of any corporate stock falling due in the next following fiscal year redeemable therefrom, it shall be the mayor's duty to include in the annual budget for such year, such an amount to be applied to the payment of such corporate stock as shall be sufficient to meet any such deficiency, and the amount shall be paid into such sinking fund.
It shall be unlawful for the city to make, or cause to be made, any alteration of rates or charges affecting any item or source of the revenues of the several sinking funds established prior to July first, nineteen hundred eighty-one or of the general fund which may tend to a diminution of the receipts from such sources of revenue, or either of them, except that it shall be lawful for the city to exempt places of public worship from the payment of any fee for the construction of vaults under the sidewalk or in front thereof.