The fee for a locksmith's license shall be fifty dollars.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1992/064.
a. It shall be unlawful for any person other than a licensed locksmith to open any lock for which a key or combination may have been lost; or to make any repairs to, or change in, the mechanical adjustment or combination of any lock; or to make any original key or any other device or contraption to open a lock.
b. Every licensed locksmith shall keep a book in which he or she is to record: (1) the name and address of every person ordering master keys, keys by number, or ordering the opening of a locked item and the date and time such work was done; and (2) the means relied upon to identify any person ordering the opening of a locked item and to verify ownership of a locked item or authorization to order the opening of a locked item. Such book shall be open at all reasonable times for inspection by the commissioner, any departmental inspector, any police officer, or any person duly authorized by the commissioner.
c. Every licensed locksmith, except an itinerant locksmith, who is requested to open a locked item which is located on premises other than where the business is conducted shall, prior to opening such locked item, present a photocopy of the license issued hereunder to any person requesting the opening of such locked item. Every itinerant locksmith shall, prior to opening a locked item, indicate the display of the license issued hereunder to any person requesting the opening of such locked item.
d. Every locksmith shall make a good faith effort to: (1) determine the identification of any person requesting the opening of a locked item; and (2) obtain proof that a person requesting the opening of a locked item is the proper owner of the locked item or is authorized to request that the locked item be unlocked.
e. Reserved.
f. Every locksmith opening a locked item shall obtain the signature or mark of the person requesting the opening of such locked item on a form to be prescribed by the commissioner. Such form shall state, in such manner as the commissioner shall by rule establish, that the person requesting that an item be opened is authorized to open that item. The forms shall be retained by the locksmith in such manner as the commissioner shall require, and shall be available at all reasonable times for inspection by the commissioner, any departmental inspector, any police officer, or any person duly authorized by the commissioner or any judge of the criminal court.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1992/064.
Each manufacturer or jobber of devices aiding locksmiths in their trade shall file a list of his or her equipment with the department and with the police department, enumerating in such list all master key blanks, code books, machinery, skeleton keys that open and operate more than one lock and known to the trade as pressure keys, key sets for automobiles, vibrating lockpickers, and all similar equipment in his or her possession. It shall be unlawful to dispose of any such equipment to any person other than a licensed locksmith.