L.L. 1993/098
Enactment date: 12/22/1993
Int. No. 807
By Council Member Dear (by the request of the Mayor)
A Local Law to amend local law 46 for the year 1989, relating to civil liability of vehicle owners for traffic control signal violations, In relation to the expiration date of such program
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Section 2 of local law number 46 for the year 1989, as amended by local law number 14 for the year 1992, is amended to read as follows:
§ 2. This local law shall take effect immediately and shall expire on [December 26, 1993] December 1, 1996.
§ 2. This local law shall take effect immediately.
L.L. 1993/099
Enactment date: 12/22/1993
Int. No. 813
By Council Members Cruz, Foster, Linares and Robles; also Council Members Castaneira-Colon, Dear, Eisland, O'Donovan and Williams
A Local Law in relation to a playground name, Police Officer Hilario Serrano Playground, Borough or The Bronx
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. The following playground name is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name | Present Name | Limits |
Police Officer Hilario Serrano Playground | Castle Hill Playground |
an existing playground located on Lafayette Ave. and Turnbull Ave. between Olmstead Avenue and Castle Hill Avenue |
§ 2. This local law shall take effect immediately.
L.L. 1993/100
Enactment date: 12/22/1993
Int. No. 815
By Council Members Freed and Abel; also Council Members Castaneira-Colon, Koslowitz, Leffler, O'Donovan, Pinkett and Williams
A Local Law in relation to a triangle name, Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini Triangle, Borough of Manhattan
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. The following triangle name is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.
New Name | Present Name | Limits |
Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini Triangle | (none) |
the triangle at Pearl Street, Madison Street and St. James |
§ 2. This local law shall take effect immediately.