Any wheelchair accessible van licensed by the taxi and limousine commission actually in the process of boarding or discharging wheelchair passengers or escorting wheelchair passengers to and from their destination, shall be permitted to park in any area in which a vehicle with a special vehicle identification permit is permitted to park.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
a. It shall be unlawful for any person to park a motor vehicle during the period from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise on the streets of the city without displaying lights, unless said vehicle is equipped with a reflector as provided for in the vehicle and traffic law of the state of New York.
b. Nothing herein shall be construed to increase the number of hours of parking permitted by any laws or traffic regulations of the city nor to permit parking of vehicles where now prohibited by any law or regulations of any agency in the city.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
a. For the purposes of this section, the term "city-issued parking permit" means a permit issued by a city agency that indicates permission to park in certain areas during certain times has been granted.
b. Any person who without permission of the commissioner of transportation or the police commissioner in accordance with section 14-183 of the administrative code:
1. Makes or engraves, or causes or procures to be made or engraved, or willingly aids or assists in making or engraving, a plate or other means of reproducing or printing the resemblance or similitude of any city-issued parking permit; or
2. Has in his or her possession or custody any implements, or materials, with intent that they shall be used for the purpose of making or engraving such a plate or means of reproduction; or
3. Has in his or her possession or custody such a plate or means of reproduction with intent to use, or permit the same to be used, for the purpose of taking therefrom any impression or copy to be uttered; or
4. Has in his or her possession or custody any impression or copy taken from such a plate or means of reproduction, with intent to have the same filled up and completed for the purpose of being uttered; or
5. Makes or engraves, or causes or procures to be made or engraved, or willingly aids or assists in making or engraving, upon any plate or other means of reproduction, any figures or words with intent that the same may be used for the purpose of altering any genuine city-issued parking permit hereinbefore indicated or mentioned; or
6. Has in his or her custody or possession any city-issued parking permit or any copy or reproduction thereof; is guilty of an offense punishable by a fine of not less than $500, or imprisonment for not more than thirty days, or both.
(Am. L.L. 2020/002, 12/27/2019, eff. 1/26/2020)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
a. For the purposes of this section, the term "city-issued parking permit" means a permit issued by a city agency that indicates permission to park in certain areas during certain times has been granted.
b. City-issued parking permits shall be revoked in accordance with disciplinary procedures of the police department with regard to permits issued pursuant to section 14-183, and in accordance with procedures established by the department of transportation for all other city-issued parking permits from those individuals found guilty of:
1. three or more violations of a rule or law relating the misuse of a city-issued parking permit
2. notwithstanding paragraph 1 of this subdivision b, any violation of section 19-166; or
3. unpaid parking or traffic violations associated with the license plate or individual permit holder in excess of $350.
(L.L. 2020/004, 12/27/2019, eff. 3/26/2020)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2020/004.
a. Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the following terms have the following meanings:
Affected council member(s) and community board(s). The term "affected council member(s) and community board(s)" has the same meaning as set forth in section 19-101.2.
Blockface. The term "blockface" means that portion of the street along the curb on one side of a street which is between the boundaries of the corner area at either end of the block.
Credential. The term "credential" means any explicit approval from the department or other authorized agency to park at a parking meter or other location, including, but not limited to, a record of payment or valid parking permit.
Parking field. The term "parking field" means any parking lot containing parking meters that is owned, operated and controlled by the city or its contractor and is available for public use. The term "parking field" does not include any parking lot operated by a city agency intended for exclusive use by such agency's employees or by the public to conduct business with such agency.
Parking meter. The term "parking meter" means a device which accepts payment or a credential, including, but not limited to a pay-and-display parking meter or a pay-by-plate parking meter.
Pay-and-display parking meter. The term "pay-and display parking meter" means an electronic parking meter that dispenses timed receipts that must be displayed on the dashboard of a motor vehicle or in a visible and secure place on a motorcycle.
Pay-by-plate parking meters. The term "pay-by-plate parking meter" means an electronic parking meter that requires entry of license plate information for proper registration of payment.
b. Suspension of parking meter activation on Sundays. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person parking a vehicle at a parking meter is required to activate such meter on a Sunday and no notice of violation or summons may be issued solely for the failure to activate such parking meter on a Sunday.
c. Deactivation of parking meters. The department shall program each parking meter to ensure that such parking meter is unable to accept payment:
1. from the last time in a day that parking meter rules are in effect for any parking space within the blockface or parking field of such parking meter, or for any other parking space within 100 feet of such parking meter, until one hour prior to the next time meter rules take effect for any parking space within the blockface or parking field, or for any other parking space within 100 feet of such parking meter; and
2. when such parking meter is not capable of producing receipts or lacks the functionality to track parking payments.
d. Parking at broken or missing parking meters. If all parking meters in a parking field or on a blockface are missing or broken, a person shall be allowed to park in such parking field or on such blockface up to the maximum amount of time otherwise lawfully permitted by such parking meters in such parking field or blockface.
e. Transferability of parking meter time. Parking time may only be utilized on the blockface for which it was purchased. Transfer of parking time between blockfaces is prohibited.
f. Notification of changes involving parking meters.
1. New parking meter installation. Prior to the installation of new parking meters covering at least four contiguous blockfaces, the department shall forward notice of such installation to the affected council member(s) and community board(s) by electronic mail.
(a) Within 10 business days after receipt of such notice: (i) the affected council member(s) may submit recommendations, comments or both regarding such notice to the department; and (ii) the affected community board(s) may submit recommendations or comments regarding such notice, or request a presentation regarding such installation, which where practicable shall be made to such community board(s) within 30 days of such request.
(b) Any recommendations or comments received by the department pursuant to this subdivision shall be reviewed prior to the installation of such new parking meters.
2. Existing parking meter alterations. Prior to making changes to parking meter rates or replacing a parking meter with a different type of parking meter, the department shall provide at least 30 days written notice of such changes by regular first-class mail and electronic mail to the community board and council member in whose district the affected parking meters are or will be located and shall post such written notice on the department's website. Such notice shall at a minimum provide the following information:
(a) Parking rates. The notice shall include the proposed new rate, the location(s) of the meters affected by such rate change and the earliest date such new rate will go into effect.
(b) Change in meter type. The notice shall include the location(s) where meters will be converted and the earliest date on which such converted meters will go into operation.
(Am. L.L. 2021/171, 12/24/2021, eff. 2/22/2022)