The rates and charges for supply of water, the annual service charges and minimum charges, the sewer rents, the sewer surcharges, the rules and regulations concerning the use of water, all other rules and regulations affecting users of water or concerning charges for supply of water, restrictions of the use of water, installation of meters, and all rules and regulations affecting property connected with the sewer system, penalties and fines for violations of rules and regulations shall be printed on each bill and permit so far as in the judgment of the commissioner of environmental protection they are applicable. This section and such printing and the printing of this section on such bills and permits shall be sufficient notice to owners, tenants or occupants of premises to authorize the imposition and recovery of any charges, surcharges and fines imposed under such rules and regulations and of any penalties imposed in pursuance of this chapter in addition to cutting off the supply of water. Where water charges payable in advance or sewer rents or charges payable as provided in subdivision c of section 11-313 of this chapter, are not paid within the period covered by such charges or rents, and a notice of such nonpayment is mailed by the commissioner of finance to the premises addressed to "owner or occupant," the commissioner of environmental protection may shut off the supply of water to such premises. Where water charges not payable in advance or sewer rents, sewer surcharges or charges payable as provided in subdivisions b and d of section 11-313 of this chapter have been made by the department and remain unpaid for more than thirty days or where the commissioner of environmental protection has certified that there is a flagrant and continued violation of a provision or provisions of section 24-523 of the code or of any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant thereto or of any order of the commissioner of environmental protection issued pursuant thereto, after notice thereof mailed to the premises addressed to "owner or occupant," the commissioner of environmental protection may shut off the supply of water to the premises.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1996/059.
Sewer rents, sewer surcharges, charges, penalties and fines, and interest thereon, and water rents, charges, penalties and fines, and interest thereon, shall after they are payable to the commissioner of finance or his or her designee be enforced in the manner provided in this chapter and chapter four of this title. In addition to collecting sewer rents, sewer surcharges, charges, penalties and fines and interest thereon and water rents, charges, penalties and fines and interest thereon in the manner provided in this chapter and chapter four of this title, the city may maintain an action for their recovery against the person for whose benefit or by whom the water is taken or used or for whose benefit or by whom sewer service is used.