a. The commissioner shall be authorized to develop by rule a timetable for the sequenced implementation of provisions of this chapter and any rules promulgated thereunder to public wholesale markets.
b. Enforcement of the registration requirements or the requirements for photo identification cards and, where applicable, visitor passes in a public wholesale market shall commence upon the implementation date for such market set forth in the rules promulgated pursuant to subdivision a of this section, except that, with respect to any wholesaler or market business or any person working in a market as of such date who seeks to register or to obtain a photo identification card and whom the commissioner has required to submit to fingerprinting and disclosure requirements pursuant to section 22-259 of this chapter, no enforcement of such requirements shall take place unless and until such wholesaler or entity or person working in the market has failed to submit such fingerprints or disclosure within the time period specified by the commissioner or such registration or photo identification card has been denied.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1997/028.
(Repealed L.L. 2023/069, 5/29/2023, eff. 6/28/2023)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1997/028.