Suspension or revocation of a registration shall require the immediate surrender to the commissioner of the registration certificate and all photo identification cards issued for employees of the registrant. Suspension or revocation of a registration shall also require the immediate cessation of use of a registration number. Suspension or revocation of a photo identification card or discontinuance of employment in the market shall require the immediate surrender of such identification card. Violation of the provisions of this section may result in revocation of the registration or photo identification card where such registration or identification card is under suspension or in criminal or civil penalties as provided in subdivision b of section 22-258 of this chapter.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1997/028.
a. Any police officer or authorized officer or employee of the department may, upon service of a notice of violation or criminal summons upon the owner or operator of a vehicle or other property or equipment, seize such vehicle or such other property or equipment which such police officer or authorized officer or employee has reasonable cause to believe is being used in connection with an act constituting a violation of subdivision a of section 22-253 of this chapter where such vehicle or other property or equipment is owned, leased or rented by a person subject to the provisions of such subdivision or such vehicle or other property or equipment is owned by a person other than an employee and is used directly by a person subject to the provisions of such subdivision. Any vehicle, property or equipment seized pursuant to this subdivision shall be delivered into the custody of the department or other appropriate agency. Where a notice of violation has been served, a hearing to adjudicate the violation underlying the seizure shall be held before the environmental control board within five business days after the seizure and such board shall render a decision within five business days after the conclusion of the hearing. Where a criminal summons has been served, a hearing to adjudicate the violation underlying the seizure shall be held before a court of competent jurisdiction. In the event that such court or the environmental control board determines that there has been no violation, the vehicle, property or equipment that was seized shall be released forthwith to the owner or any person authorized by the owner to take possession of such vehicle, property or equipment.
b. Except as otherwise provided in subdivision a of this section or where notice has been given that forfeiture will be sought pursuant to paragraph (ii) of subdivision e of this section, a vehicle or other property or equipment seized pursuant to subdivision a of this section shall be released upon payment of a fine or civil penalty imposed for the violation underlying the seizure and the costs of removal and storage as set forth in the rules of the department. Where an action or a proceeding relating to the violation underlying the seizure is pending in a court of competent jurisdiction or an administrative proceeding before the environmental control board, the vehicle or other property or equipment shall be released upon posting of a bond or other form of security sufficient to cover the maximum fine or civil penalty which may be imposed for such violation and the costs of removal and storage.
c. Where a court of competent jurisdiction or the environmental control board makes a finding that the vehicle or other property or equipment has not been used in connection with an act constituting a violation of subdivision a of section 22-253 of this chapter, the vehicle or other property or equipment shall be released forthwith to the owner or any person authorized by the owner to take possession of such vehicle, property or equipment.
d. Any vehicle or other property or equipment that has not been claimed by the owner within ten business days after mailing by first class mail to such owner of notice of a determination by a court of competent jurisdiction or by the environmental control board that there has been no violation or that the vehicle or other property or equipment was not used in connection with a violation of subdivision a of section 22-253 of this chapter shall be deemed by the department to be abandoned. Any vehicle unclaimed under the provisions of this subdivision shall be disposed of by the department pursuant to section twelve hundred twenty-four of the vehicle and traffic law. Property or equipment other than a vehicle shall be disposed of by sale at public auction following notice by publication in the city record describing such property or equipment not less than ten business days prior to such sale. Such notice shall provide that the owner may reclaim such property or equipment until a date that shall be not sooner than ten business days from the date the notice is published.
e. (i) in addition to any other fines, penalties, sanctions or remedies provided for in this chapter, a vehicle or other property or equipment which has been seized pursuant to subdivision a of this section and all rights, title and interest therein shall be subject to forfeiture upon notice and judicial determination thereof if the owner of such vehicle or other property or equipment has been found liable by a court of competent jurisdiction or the environmental control board on one or more prior occasions for using such vehicle or such other property or equipment in connection with an act constituting a violation of subdivision a of section 22-253 of this chapter.
(ii) A forfeiture proceeding may not be commenced more than ten business days after the receipt of a request by the owner for return of the vehicle, other property or equipment. If a forfeiture proceeding is not commenced within such ten day period, the property shall be returned to the owner upon payment of the fine or civil penalty imposed and the costs of removal and storage. A vehicle or other property or equipment which is the subject of such action shall remain in the custody of the department or other appropriate agency pending the final determination of the forfeiture action.
(iii) Notice of the institution of the forfeiture action shall be served by first class mail on: (a) an owner of a vehicle at the address set forth in the records maintained by the department of motor vehicles, or for vehicles not registered in New York state, in the records maintained by the state of registration; (b) all persons holding a security interest in such vehicle which security interest has been filed with the department of motor vehicles pursuant to the provisions of title ten of the vehicle and traffic law, at the address set forth in the records of such department, or for vehicles not registered in New York state, all persons who hold a security interest in such vehicle which security interest has been filed with such state of registration and which persons are made known by such state to the department at the address provided by such state of registration; and (c) for property and equipment other than a vehicle, by publication in the city record describing such property or equipment and by notice served by first class mail to the address of the person from whom such property or equipment was seized. Where such person is other than the owner of such property or equipment, notice shall be served by first class mail both to such person and to the owner of such property or equipment where such owner is known, or can by reasonable effort, be ascertained or, where such owner is not known or cannot by reasonable effort be ascertained, to the employer of the person from whom the property or other equipment was seized. Notice shall also be served by first class mail to any person who holds a security interest in such property or equipment when the name and address of such person has been provided by the owner of the property or equipment or other person from whom the property or equipment was seized, or is otherwise known or can, by reasonable effort, be ascertained.
(iv) Any owner who receives notice of the institution of a forfeiture action who wishes to claim an interest in the vehicle or other property or equipment subject to forfeiture may assert a claim in such action for the recovery of the vehicle or other property or equipment or satisfaction of the owner's interest in such vehicle or other property or equipment. Any person with a security interest in such vehicle or property or equipment who receives notice of the institution of the forfeiture action who claims an interest in such vehicle or other property or equipment may assert a claim in such action for satisfaction of such person's security interest.
(v) Forfeiture pursuant to this subdivision shall be made subject to the interest of a person who claims an interest in the vehicle or other property or equipment pursuant to paragraph (iv) of this subdivision, where such person establishes that: (a) the use of such vehicle, property or equipment in connection with an act constituting a violation of subdivision a of section 22-253 of this chapter that was the basis for seizure occurred without the knowledge of such person, or if such person had knowledge of such use, that such person did not consent to such use by failing to do all that could reasonably have been done to prevent such use, and that such person did not knowingly obtain such interest in the vehicle, property or equipment in order to avoid the forfeiture; or (b) that the conduct that was the basis for such seizure was committed by any person other than such person claiming an interest in the vehicle, property or equipment while such vehicle was unlawfully in the possession of a person who acquired possession thereof in violation of the criminal laws of the United States or any state.
(vi) The department, after judicial determination of forfeiture, shall, at its discretion, either: (a) retain such vehicle, property or equipment for the official use of the city; or (b) by public notice of at least five days, sell such forfeited vehicle, property or equipment at public sale. The net proceeds of any such sale shall be paid into the general fund of the city.
(vii) In any forfeiture action commenced pursuant to this subdivision, where the court awards a sum of money to one or more persons in satisfaction of such person's or persons' interest in the forfeited vehicle, property or equipment, the total amount awarded to satisfy such interest or interests shall not exceed the amount of the net proceeds of the sale of the forfeited vehicle, property or equipment after deduction of the lawful expenses incurred by the city, including the reasonable costs of removal and storage between the time of seizure and the date of sale.
(viii) For purposes of this section, the term "owner" of a vehicle shall mean an owner as defined in section one hundred twenty-eight and in subdivision three of section three hundred eight of the vehicle and traffic law. The term "owner" of other property or equipment subject to seizure or forfeiture pursuant to this section shall mean a person who demonstrates ownership of such property or equipment to the satisfaction of the commissioner.
(ix) For purposes of this section, the term "security interest" in a vehicle shall mean a security interest as defined in subdivision k of section two thousand one hundred one of the vehicle and traffic law. "Security interest" in other property or equipment shall mean an interest reserved or created by agreement and which secures payment or performance of an obligation. The term includes the interest of a lessor under a lease intended as security.
Each applicant for registration pursuant to this chapter shall provide the commissioner with a business address in New York city where notices may be delivered and legal process served.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1997/028.
a. A labor union or labor organization representing or seeking to represent employees directly involved in the movement, handling or sale of goods sold in any public wholesale market in the city of New York shall, within the time period prescribed by the commissioner, register with the commissioner and shall disclose such information to the commissioner as the commissioner may by rule require, including but not limited to the names of all officers and agents of such union or organization; provided, however, that this section shall not apply:
(i) to a labor union that represents or seeks to represent fewer than two hundred employees in any public wholesale market or combination of public wholesale markets in the city of New York;
(ii) to a labor union representing or seeking to represent clerical or other office workers, construction or electrical workers or any other workers temporarily or permanently employed in a public wholesale market for a purpose not directly related to the movement, handling or sale of goods in such market;
(iii) to affiliated national or international labor unions of local labor unions required to register pursuant to this provision; and provided, further, that no labor union or labor organization shall be required to furnish information pursuant to this section which is already included in a report filed by such labor union or labor organization with the Secretary of Labor pursuant to 29 U.S.C. § 431, et seq., or § 1001, et seq., if a copy of such report, or of the portion thereof containing such information, is furnished to the commissioner.
b. An officer of a labor union or labor organization required to be registered with the commissioner pursuant to subdivision a of this section shall inform the commissioner, on a form prescribed by the commissioner, of:
(i) all criminal convictions, in any jurisdiction, of such officer;
(ii) any pending civil or criminal actions to which such officer is a party; and
(iii) any criminal or civil investigation by a federal, state, or local prosecutorial agency, investigative agency or regulatory agency, in the five year period preceding the date of registration pursuant to subdivision a of this section and at any time subsequent to such registration, wherein such officer has (A) been the subject of such investigation, or (B) received a subpoena requiring the production of documents or information in connection with such an investigation. Any material change in the information reported pursuant to this subdivision shall be reported to the commissioner within thirty calendar days thereof. The commissioner may, if he or she has reasonable cause to believe that such an officer lacks good character, honesty and integrity, require that such officer be fingerprinted by a person designated by the commissioner for such purpose or by the department of investigation and pay a fee to be submitted to the division of criminal justice services and/or the federal bureau of investigation for the purpose of obtaining criminal history records.
c. The commissioner may, after notice and opportunity to be heard, disqualify an officer of a labor union or labor organization from holding office when such person: (i) has failed, by the date prescribed by the commissioner, to be fingerprinted or to provide truthful information in connection with the reporting requirements of subdivision b of this section; (ii) is the subject of a pending indictment or criminal action against such officer for a crime which bears a direct relationship to the lawful and orderly operation of the market, in which case the commissioner may defer a determination until a decision has been reached by the court before which such action is pending; (iii) has been convicted of a crime which, under the standards set forth in article 23-A of the correction law, bears a direct relationship to the lawful and orderly operation of the market, including the specific duties and responsibilities necessarily related to the union office; the bearing, if any the criminal offense or offenses will have on the fitness of the officer to perform such responsibilities; the time which has elapsed since the occurrence of the criminal offense or offenses; the seriousness of the offense or offenses; and any information produced by the person, or produced on his or her behalf, in regard to his or her rehabilitation or good conduct; (iv) has committed a racketeering activity or associated with a person who has been convicted of a racketeering activity, including but not limited to the offenses listed in subdivision one of section nineteen hundred sixty-one of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961, et seq.) or of an offense listed in subdivision one of section 460.10 of the penal law, as such statutes may be amended from time to time, when the officer knew or should have known of such conviction; or (v) has associated with any member or associate of an organized crime group as identified by a federal, state or city law enforcement or investigative agency when the officer knew or should have known of the organized crime associations of such person. An officer required to disclose information pursuant to subdivision a of this section may submit to the commissioner any material or explanation which such officer believes demonstrates that such information does not reflect adversely upon the officer's good character, honesty and integrity. If the commissioner determines pursuant to this subdivision that there are sufficient grounds to disqualify a person from holding office in a labor union or labor organization, the commissioner shall suspend such person from holding office pending final determination and, in the event such person is disqualified, such suspension shall continue pending resignation or vacatur of or removal from office. Upon written request of the suspended person within ten days of the commissioner's determination, the director of the office of collective bargaining shall prepare a list of the names of the first fifteen arbitrators selected at random from the roster of arbitrators approved by the office of collective bargaining and present the first five names on such list to the suspended person and the commissioner. Within alternating periods of five business days the suspended person and then the commissioner shall each strike a name from the list of selected arbitrators. If the parties cannot within two additional business days jointly appoint an arbitrator from those remaining on the list, the suspended person and then the commissioner shall within alternating periods of two business days each strike an additional name from the list. The remaining arbitrator shall thereupon be appointed as the arbitrator for that proceeding and shall establish a schedule for such proceeding. In the event that such arbitrator declines the appointment or for any reason is unable to accept the appointment, then the director of the office of collective bargaining shall within five business days present to the suspended person and the commissioner the next five names on the list of arbitrators previously selected at random and the procedures set forth in this subdivision for appointing an arbitrator shall be applied to this second group. In the event that the arbitrator appointed from this second group declines the appointment or for any reason is unable to accept the appointment then the director of the office of collective bargaining shall present the remaining five names from the list arbitrators selected at random and the suspended person shall select an arbitrator from such group. Such arbitrator shall make a final report and recommendations in writing concerning the disqualification. The commissioner shall accept such report and recommendations and issue his or her final determination consistent with such report and recommendations. In the event that the suspended person does not make a request for arbitration within the ten-day period he or she shall be disqualified from holding office. Upon receiving an order of the commissioner pursuant to this subdivision disqualifying a person from holding office in a labor union or labor organization, such person shall resign or vacate such office within fourteen days or, if such person fails to resign or vacate such office within such time period, such union or organization shall remove such person forthwith from such office. Failure of such a person to resign or vacate office within such time period shall subject such person to the penalties set forth in subdivision a of section 22-258 of this chapter. An officer who has been disqualified or suspended by the commissioner pursuant to the provisions of this subdivision may be excluded by the commissioner from the market. Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize the commissioner to disqualify a labor union or labor organization from representing or seeking to represent employees of a business required to be registered pursuant to section 22-253 of this code.
d. In reaching a determination to fingerprint or disqualify an officer of a labor union or labor organization pursuant to subdivisions b or c of this section, the commissioner shall give substantial weight to the results of any investigation conducted by an independent investigator, monitor, trustee or other person or body charged with the investigation or oversight of such labor union or labor organization, including whether such investigation has failed to return charges against such officer.
e. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter to the contrary, the provisions of this section shall apply to any labor union or labor organization representing or seeking to represent employees of business required to be licensed or registered pursuant to chapter 1-A of this title in the fulton fish market distribution area or other seafood distribution area. The term "market" shall, for purposes of application of the provisions of this section to the fulton fish market distribution or other seafood distribution area, mean such areas.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1997/028.