L.L. 2000/010
Enactment date: 3/9/2000
Int. No. 685
By Council Member Dear
A Local Law in relation to the approval of a determination by the Taxi and Limousine Commission to approve an application by Star Cruiser Limousine Inc. doing business as Emerald Car Service also known as Star Cruiser Limousine, Inc. also known as Star Cruiser Limo, Inc. for the renewal of a license to operate a base station in the borough of Brooklyn.
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section one. The determination by the Taxi and Limousine Commission to approve an application by Star Cruiser Limousine Inc. doing business as Emerald Car Service also known as Star Cruiser Limousine, Inc. also known as Star Cruiser Limo, Inc. for the renewal of a license to operate a base station at 2210 East 69th Street in the borough of Brooklyn is hereby approved.
§ 2. This local law shall take effect immediately.
L.L. 2000/011
Enactment date: 3/9/2000
Int. No. 689
By Council Member Dear
A Local Law in relation to the approval of a determination by the Taxi and Limousine Commission to approve an application by Staten Island Car Service, Inc. also known as Staten Island Car Service Inc. for the renewal of a license to operate a base station in the borough of Staten Island.
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section one. The determination by the Taxi and Limousine Commission to approve an application by Staten Island Car Service, Inc. also known as Staten Island Car Service Inc. for the renewal of a license to operate a base station at 956 Jewett Avenue in the borough of Staten Island is hereby approved.
§ 2. This local law shall take effect immediately.
L.L. 2000/013
Enactment date: 3/29/2000
Int. No. 316-A
By Council Members Vallone, DiBrienza, Pinkett, Rivera, Michels, Lopez, Robinson, Linares, Berman, Clarke, Carrion, Espada, Foster, Freed, Henry, Koslowitz, Perkins, Quinn, Reed, Robles, Rodriguez, Watkins, and the Public Advocate (Mr. Green); also Council Members Eldridge, Marshall, McCaffrey and Warden.
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York in relation to the establishment of a grievance procedure for participants in the city's work experience program.
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Declaration of Legislative Findings and Intent. The Council finds that certain recipients of public subsidies under the Family Assistance and Safety Net Assistance programs assigned by the city of New York to its Work Experience Program ("WEP") are required to work a specified number of hours each week in order to maintain their eligibility for continued public assistance. The Council further finds that WEP participants have not consistently been provided with appropriate terms and conditions of work. For example, participants have not consistently been provided with proper equipment and appropriate gear, such as, but not limited to: gloves, safety goggles, and proper clothing to protect them from the elements. In addition, participants have not consistently been given the opportunity to informally resolve disputes with the sponsoring agency prior to the reporting of alleged failure or refusal to comply with program requirements to the local social services district. The Council therefore believes that a grievance procedure must be codified to ensure that WEP participants are permitted to address grievances that may arise out of their work assignments and to provide the opportunity to have these grievances resolved within the sponsoring agency in an expeditious and just manner.
The Council finds that the conciliation provision of New York State Social Services Law and its implementing regulations do not address efforts by participants and sponsoring agencies to resolve disputes at the level of the sponsoring agency prior to involvement of the social services district. The Council further finds that the State Social Services Law expresses no need for state-wide uniformity in the administration of local Public Assistance Employment Programs. Rather, by omitting direct regulation of local sponsoring agencies, the State Legislature recognized the strong local interest in designing alternatives not specifically provided by state law, in order to meet the needs of the local community. The purpose of this local law is therefore to meet the legitimate local interest of the city of New York in providing a mechanism for its residents who are participants in WEP to informally resolve disputes that may arise with local sponsoring agencies, prior to the involvement of the local social services district.
The Council recognizes that, pursuant to New York State Social Services Law § 341, the New York City Human Resources Administration ("HRA") has established a conciliation procedure for individuals who are alleged to have violated work activities requirements and a procedure to resolve other disputes related to participation in work activities. However, the Council finds that the state-mandated procedure for individuals who are alleged to have violated work activities requirements does not provide a means for participants and sponsoring agencies to resolve such disputes at the level of the sponsoring agency prior to involvement of the social services district. The Council further finds that the HRA procedure to resolve disputes related to participation in work activities, to the extent it provides for sponsoring agency participation, is not enforceable by participants, and was not established pursuant to any powers or duties assigned or delegated to the HRA by the State of New York. Thus, the grievance procedure established by this local law neither overlaps with nor directly affects the procedures established by HRA pursuant to New York State law and regulations.
For all the foregoing reasons, the Council finds that the grievance procedure established by this local law is well within the powers of the Council under New York State Municipal Home Rule Law and the Charter of the City of New York.
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[Consolidated provisions are not included in this Appendix A]
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§ 3. Severability. Should any provision or application of this local law be determined to be unlawful or unenforceable, all other provisions and applications of this local law shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect.
§ 4. This local law shall take effect immediately.