a. Each applicant for such license shall be at least eighteen years of age; and
b. Each such applicant shall be required to pass an examination satisfactorily. Such examination shall be under the supervision of the commissioner and shall test the knowledge of the applicant concerning places or points of historic or public interest in and about the city. Any person who can present satisfactory proof to the commissioner that he or she has been engaged as a sightseeing guide in the city for a period of at least two years prior to August second, nineteen hundred thirty-seven shall be exempt from such examination.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2006/039.
a. The annual fee for such license shall be twenty-five dollars.
b. Each such license shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in the office or place of business of the licensee, or if a vehicle is used, in such vehicle, or if a guide has no office or uses no vehicle, he or she shall carry such license on his or her person at all times.
a. The commissioner may prescribe such rules and regulations as he or she deems necessary to protect persons and property in the enforcement of this subchapter.
b. It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to explain, describe, or lecture while such vehicle is in motion, unless the seating capacity of such vehicle is seven passengers or fewer. Each such driver who talks or lectures must be a licensed guide.
c. It shall be unlawful for any licensee to obstruct any street or public space, or to touch any person or to interfere with the free passage of the public along any street or public space for the purpose of soliciting employment as a guide.
d. It shall be unlawful for any such guide to wear a uniform or any part thereof and hold himself or herself forth as a guide unless such uniform or part thereof shall be approved by the commissioner.
e. Each licensee shall wear on the left breast of his or her outer garment a badge, while engaged in his or her occupation as a guide, bearing his or her number and the date of expiration of his or her license. Such badge shall be furnished by the commissioner. The color of such badge shall be changed each year.
f. It shall be unlawful for any licensee to guide or direct any person to a place of ill repute, house of ill fame or assignation, or to any house or place of amusement kept for immoral purposes, or to any place resorted to for the purpose of prostitution or gambling. It shall be unlawful for any such licensee to impart any information as to the location or address of any such houses or places, or to solicit the patronage of any person or persons for any hotel, lodging house or boarding house or place of temporary or permanent abode, or for any place where refreshments are served or amusement of any type provided.
g. It shall be unlawful for any licensee to engage in business or do business with any unlicensed guide.