106.4 Sharing results of inspections.
The commissioner, in coordination with the Commissioner of Buildings and the Commissioner of Environmental Protection, shall establish a procedure to share information regarding violations in accordance with Section 28-103.7.1 of the New York City Administrative Code.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2009/039.
107.1 Maintenance required.
Whenever any device, equipment, system, operation, installation, fire apparatus access road, or facility regulated by this code or the rules is installed or established, including any signage or other condition or ancillary equipment necessary for its proper operation or maintenance, whether or not required for compliance with the requirements of this code or the rules, such device, equipment, system, operation, installation or facility shall thereafter be continuously maintained in good working order, in accordance with this code, the rules, the construction codes, permit or other approval conditions and approved design and installation documents, manufacturer's instructions, and any other law, rule or regulation enforced by the commissioner. Periodic inspection, testing or other actions required to ensure proper operation and maintenance shall be conducted in accordance with such laws, rules, regulations, approvals and instructions. When any inspection, test or other circumstance discloses a non-compliant condition, the necessary repairs or other corrective actions shall be taken to render such condition compliant with all applicable requirements and restore such device, equipment, system, operation, installation, fire apparatus access road or facility to good working order. All signs and other items required to be posted, and required markings, shall be maintained in a secure and legible condition and not obstructed from view.