L.L. 2023/010
Enactment date: 1/21/2023
Int. No. 680-A
By Council Members Krishnan, Louis, Yeger, Riley, Restler, Hanif, Hudson, Ung, Won, Gutiérrez, Holden, Gennaro, Menin, Narcisse, Brannan, Cabán, Bottcher, Abreu, Brooks-Powers, Farías, Velázquez, De La Rosa, Avilés, Nurse, Ayala, Joseph, Brewer, Schulman, Powers, Rivera, Marte, Dinowitz, Ossé, Williams, Mealy, Moya, Hanks, Stevens and Carr
A Local Law in relation to a survey to determine the feasibility of creating small parks and green spaces on public streets with dead ends and vacant city-owned land near streets with dead ends
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. An agency or office designated by the mayor, in consultation with the department of environmental protection, the department of parks and recreation, the department of transportation, the department of citywide administrative services and any other appropriate agency, shall review sites, owned by the city of New York in residential zones in each borough, on streets with dead ends and vacant land in close proximity to such streets, and land that abuts highway entrances, underpasses and exits, that are suitable for the planting of trees or other vegetation, or for establishing bioswales, small parks or other green spaces. Such designated agency or office shall develop a methodology to identify which such sites to review, provided that in identifying such sites, such agency considers requests from council members, community boards and members of the public to review a site, and prioritizes the review of identified sites that are in environmental justice areas, as defined in section 3-1001 of the administrative code of the city of New York.
§ 2. No later than April 1, 2024, the designated agency shall submit to the mayor and speaker of the council a report of all sites reviewed pursuant to section one of this local law. Such report shall also include: an analysis of the condition of each such site; the feasibility of planting trees or other vegetation or the installation of bioswales, small parks or other green spaces; a description of the necessary steps associated with installing any such feature; an estimated length of time that would be needed to install such features; and an estimate of the overall cost to do so.
§ 3. This local law takes effect immediately.