L.L. 2014/066
Enactment date: 12/14/2014
Int. No. 378
By Council Members Constantinides, Chin, Cumbo, Mendez, Rodriguez, Rose, Rosenthal, Deutsch, Treyger, Kallos, Williams, Miller, Palma, Richards, Espinal, King, Garodnick, Johnson, Levin, Torres, Lancman, Levine, Weprin, Koslowitz, Dromm, Gentile, Koo, Menchaca, Reynoso, Crowley, Cornegy, Vacca, Cohen, Eugene, Vallone, Ferreras, Van Bramer, Arroyo, Lander, Dickens, Barron, Ulrich and the Public Advocate (Ms. James)
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to reducing greenhouse gases by eighty percent by two thousand fifty.
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Legislative findings and intent. The Council finds that the reduction of greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming is critical to the current and future prosperity of New York City. The Council further finds that in view of the rapid progress of climate change events and indicators and in order to increase the effectiveness of New York City measures intended to prepare for and alter the course of adverse climate change impacts on New York City's critical infrastructure and vulnerable citizens, and consistent with the spirit of PlaNYC 2030 and the New York City Climate Protection Act, Local Law 22 of 2008, the reduction of emissions citywide should be increased from a thirty percent reduction in citywide emissions by calendar year 2030, relative to such emissions for the base year, to an eighty percent reduction in citywide greenhouse gas emissions relative to such emissions for the base year by calendar year 2050.
Therefore, the Council finds that it is in the best interests of the City to provide for an increase in future reductions in citywide greenhouse gas emissions.
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[Consolidated provisions are not included in this Appendix A]
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§ 3.This local law shall take effect immediately.