804.3.3 Termination.
The termination of chimneys or vents equipped with power exhausters shall be located not less than 10 feet (3048 mm) from the lot line or from adjacent buildings, unless otherwise approved by the commissioner. The exhaust shall be directed vertically away from the building.
804.3.4 Horizontal terminations.
Horizontal terminations and discharges, including any horizontal direct vent terminations subject to Section 804.1 and horizontal integral vent terminals subject to Section 804.2, shall not be permitted, unless otherwise authorized by the commissioner.
804.3.5 Vertical terminations.
Vertical terminations and discharges shall comply with Section 801.21.
804.3.6 Exhauster connections.
An appliance vented by natural draft shall not be connected into a vent, chimney or vent connector on the discharge side of a mechanical flue or power exhauster.
804.3.7 Exhauster sizing.
Mechanical flue or power exhausters and the chimney or vent system served shall be sized and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
804.3.8 Mechanical draft systems for manually fired appliances and fireplaces.
A mechanical draft system shall be permitted to be used with manually fired appliances and fireplaces where such system complies with all of the following requirements:
1. The mechanical draft device shall be listed and labeled in accordance with UL 378, and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
2. A device shall be installed in the room with the appliance or fireplace that produces visible and audible warning upon failure of the mechanical draft device or loss of electrical power, at any time that the mechanical draft device is turned on. This device shall be equipped with a battery backup if it receives power from the building wiring.
3. A smoke detector or alarm, and a carbon monoxide detector or alarm, shall be installed in the room with the appliance or fireplace. This device shall be equipped with a battery backup if it receives power from the building wiring.