2113.11.1.1 Flue linings for specific appliances.
Flue linings other than those covered in Section 2113.11.1 intended for use with specific appliances shall comply with Sections 2113.11.1.2 through 2113.11.1.4 and Sections 2113.11.2 and 2113.11.3.
2113.11.1.2 Gas appliances.
Flue lining systems for gas appliances shall be in accordance with the New York City Fuel Gas Code, and ULC-S635.
2113.11.1.3 Pellet fuel-burning appliances.
Pellet fuel-burning appliances may be installed only when their use is permitted by the New York City Air Pollution Control Code. Any such appliances shall be listed and labeled and shall be installed in accordance with the terms of the listing. If permitted, such appliances shall be operated in compliance with the New York City Air Pollution Control Code. Flue lining and vent systems for use in masonry chimneys with pellet fuel-burning appliances shall be limited to flue lining systems complying with Section 2113.11.1 and pellet vents listed for installation within masonry chimneys. See Section 2113.11.1.5 for marking.
2113.11.1.4 Oil-fired appliances approved for use with L-vent.
Flue lining and vent systems for use in masonry chimneys with oil-fired appliances approved for use with Type L vent shall be limited to flue lining systems complying with Section 2113.11.1 and listed chimney liners complying with UL 641. See Section 2113.11.1.5 for marking.
2113.11.1.5 Notice of usage.
When a flue is relined with a material not complying with Section 2113.11.1, the chimney shall be plainly and permanently identified by a label attached to a wall, ceiling or other conspicuous location adjacent to where the connector enters the chimney. The label shall include the following message or equivalent language: "This chimney is for use only with (type or category of appliance) that burns (type of fuel). Do not connect other types of appliances."
2113.11.2 Masonry chimneys for medium-heat appliances.
Masonry chimneys for medium-heat appliances shall comply with the provisions of Sections 2113.11.2.1 through 2113.11.2.5.
2113.11.2.1 Construction.
Chimneys for medium-heat appliances shall be constructed of solid masonry units with walls not less than 8 inches (203 mm) thick, or with stone masonry not less than 12 inches (305 mm) thick. Chimneys for medium-heat appliances constructed with radial brick may be permitted to have different requirements. Design of all such chimneys shall be submitted to the commissioner for approval.
2113.11.2.2 Lining.
Masonry chimneys shall be lined with an approved medium-duty refractory brick not less than 4 1/2 inches (114 mm) thick laid on the 4 1/2-inch bed (114 mm) in an approved medium-duty refractory mortar. The lining shall start 2 feet (610 mm) or more below the lowest chimney connector entrance. Chimneys terminating 25 feet (7620 mm) or less above a chimney connector entrance shall be lined to the top.
2113.11.2.3 Multiple passageway.
Masonry chimneys containing more than one passageway shall have the liners separated by a minimum 4-inch-thick (102 mm) concrete or solid masonry wall.
2113.11.2.4 Termination height.
Chimneys serving appliances that operate at greater than 1,000°F (538°C) shall extend at least 20 feet (6096 mm) above the highest construction, such as roof ridge, parapet wall, penthouse, or other obstruction within 50 feet (15 240 mm) of the chimney outlet, whether the construction is on the same building as the chimney or in another building. However, such construction does not include other chimneys, vents, or open structural framing. Any chimney located beyond 50 feet (15 240 mm) from such construction but not more than the distance determined from Equation 21-2 and Table 2113.9, shall be at least as high as the construction.