2113.1.5.8 Variance.
The commissioner may grant a variance in accordance with the provisions of this code.
2113.2 Footings and foundations.
Footings for masonry chimneys shall be constructed of concrete or solid masonry not less than 12 inches (305 mm) thick and shall extend at least 6 inches (152 mm) beyond the face of the foundation or support wall on all sides. Footings shall be founded on natural undisturbed earth or engineered fill below frost depth. In areas not subjected to freezing, footings shall be not less than 12 inches (305 mm) below finished grade.
2113.3 Seismic reinforcing.
In structures assigned to Seismic Design Category A or B, or those exempt from seismic analysis, seismic reinforcement is not required. In structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C or D, masonry chimneys shall be analyzed and designed for seismic loading in accordance with TMS 402, and at a minimum shall be reinforced and anchored in accordance with Sections 2113.3.1, 2113.3.2, and 2113.4, Table 2111.1 and Figure 2111.1.
2113.3.1 Vertical reinforcement.
For chimneys up to 40 inches (1016 mm) wide, four No. 4 continuous vertical bars anchored in the foundation shall be placed in the concrete between wythes of solid masonry or within the cells of hollow unit masonry and grouted in accordance with Section 2103.3. Grout shall be prevented from bonding with the flue liner so that the flue liner is free to move with thermal expansion. For chimneys greater than 40 inches (1016 mm) wide, two additional No. 4 vertical bars shall be provided for each additional 40 inches (1016 mm) in width or fraction thereof.
2113.3.2 Horizontal reinforcement.
Vertical reinforcement shall be placed enclosed within 1/4-inch (6.4 mm) ties, or other reinforcing of equivalent net cross-sectional area, spaced not to exceed 18 inches (457 mm) on center in concrete, or placed in the bed joints of unit masonry, at not less than every 18 inches (457 mm) of vertical height. Two such ties shall be provided at each bend in the vertical bars.
2113.4 Seismic anchorage.
Masonry chimneys and foundations shall be anchored at each floor, ceiling or roof line more than 6 feet (1829 mm) above grade with two 3/16-inch by 1-inch (4.8 mm by 25 mm) straps embedded not less than 12 inches (305 mm) into the chimney. Straps shall be hooked around the outer bars and extend 6 inches (152 mm) beyond the bend. Each strap shall be fastened to not less than four floor joists with two 1/2-inch (12.7 mm) bolts.
Exception: Seismic anchorage is not required for the following:
1. In structures assigned to Seismic Design Category A or B.
2. Where the masonry fireplace is constructed completely within the exterior walls.
2113.5 Corbeling.
Masonry chimneys shall not be corbeled more than half of the chimney's wall thickness from a wall or foundation, nor shall a chimney be corbeled from a wall or foundation that is less than 12 inches (305 mm) in thickness unless it projects equally on each side of the wall, except that on the second story of a two-story dwelling, corbeling of chimneys on the exterior of the enclosing walls is permitted to equal the wall thickness. The projection of a single course shall not exceed one-half the unit height or one-third of the unit bed depth, whichever is less. No masonry shall be corbeled from hollow or cavity wall masonry units.