2113.1.5.6 Procedure.
It shall be the obligation of the owner of the new or altered building to:
1. Prepare and submit a chimney and vent plan to the department pursuant to Section 107.18.
2. Provide required notification pursuant to Section 2113.1.5.3.
3. Provide plans pursuant to Section 2113.
4. Prepare and submit construction documents to the department pursuant to Section 28-104 of the Administrative Code for the alteration of existing chimneys or vents which conform to the requirements of this chapter;
5. Obtain permit(s) for the proposed work in accordance with Section 28-105 of the Administrative Code;
6. Schedule this work so as to create a minimum of disturbance to the occupants of the affected building;
7. Provide such essential services as are normally supplied by the equipment while it is out of service;
8. Where necessary, support such extended chimneys, vents and equipment from this building or to carry up such chimneys or vents within his or her building;
9. Provide for the maintenance, repair, and/or replacement of such extensions and added equipment;
10. Make such alterations of the same material as the original chimney or vent so as to maintain the same quality and appearance, except where the owner of the chimney or vent shall give his or her consent to do otherwise. All work shall be done in such fashion as to maintain the architectural aesthetics of the existing building. Where there is practical difficulty in complying strictly with the provisions of this item, the commissioner may permit an equally safe alternative;
11. Comply with the tenant protection plan requirements of Section 28-120 of the Administrative Code; and
12. Comply with inspection and sign-off requirements of Section 28-116 of the Administrative Code.
2113.1.5.7 Existing violations.
Any existing violations on the previously constructed equipment shall be corrected by the owner of the equipment before any equipment is added or alterations made at the expense of the owner of the new or altered building.
2113.1.5.8 Variance.
The commissioner may grant a variance in accordance with the provisions of this code.
2113.2 Footings and foundations.
Footings for masonry chimneys shall be constructed of concrete or solid masonry not less than 12 inches (305 mm) thick and shall extend at least 6 inches (152 mm) beyond the face of the foundation or support wall on all sides. Footings shall be founded on natural undisturbed earth or engineered fill below frost depth. In areas not subjected to freezing, footings shall be not less than 12 inches (305 mm) below finished grade.