2109.5 Horizontal joints.
All concrete framed buildings to be constructed over 35 feet (10 668 mm) in height (as measured from adjoining grade to the main roof level), whose exterior wythe are of cavity wall construction with steel lintels, shall have horizontal joints in the exterior wythe to prevent masonry distress induced by vertical shortening of the structural frame.
2109.5.1 Joint minimum thickness.
Unless substantiated as indicated by 2109.5.2, horizontal joints shall be 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) minimum thickness, with neoprene, polyethylene, or urethane gasket or equivalent joint filler filling the entire joint, except for a recess from the toe of the lintel angle to the exterior of the facing brick, to provide space for caulking. These joints shall be placed at each floor.
2109.5.2 Joint thickness by analysis.
The applicant of record shall submit an engineering analysis establishing that proposed building horizontal joints spaced further apart than in 2109.5.1 are sufficient to provide for the effects of vertical shortening of the structural frame.
2110.1 General.
Glass unit masonry construction shall comply with Chapter 13 of TMS 402 and this section.
2110.1.1 Limitations.
Solid or hollow approved glass block shall not be used in fire walls, party walls, fire barriers, fire partitions, smoke barriers, or for load-bearing construction. Such blocks shall be erected with mortar and reinforcement in metal channel-type frames, structural frames, masonry or concrete recesses, embedded panel anchors as provided for both exterior and interior walls or other approved joint materials. Wood strip framing shall not be used in walls required to have a fire-resistance rating by other provisions of this code.
1. Glass-block assemblies having a fire protection rating of not less than 3/4 hour shall be permitted as opening protectives in accordance with Section 716 in fire barriers, fire partitions and smoke barriers that have a required fire-resistance rating of 1 hour and do not enclose exit stairways or exit passageways.
2. Glass-block assemblies as permitted in Section 404.6, Exception 1.
(Am. L.L. 2023/077, 6/11/2023, eff. 6/11/2023)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2023/077.