403.4.8.4 Emergency power systems.
An emergency power system complying with Section 2702 shall be provided for emergency power loads specified in Sections 403. and 403. Fuel sources for generators shall be in accordance with Section 2702.1.1.
403. Emergency power loads in occupancies other than Group R-2.
In buildings of any occupancy group other than Group R-2, the following are classified as emergency power loads:
1. Exit signs and means of egress illumination required by Chapter 10;
2. Elevator car lighting;
3. Emergency voice/alarm communications systems, including Fire Department in-building Auxiliary Radio Communication systems (ARCs);
4. Automatic fire detection systems;
5. Fire alarm systems; and
6. Electrically powered fire pumps, including manual fire pumps, automatic fire pumps, and sprinkler booster pumps.
403. Emergency power loads in Group R-2 occupancies.
Group R-2 occupancies in buildings greater than 125 feet (38 100 mm) in height shall be required to provide an emergency power system to support the following loads:
1. Exit signs and means of egress illumination required by Chapter 10;
2. Emergency voice communications systems, including Fire Department in-building Auxiliary Radio Communication systems (ARCs); and
3. Electrically powered fire pumps, unless electrical power to the motor is taken ahead of the main from the street side of the house service switch.
403. Emergency power loads in Group R-2 occupancies 125 feet or less in height.
Group R-2 occupancies in buildings 125 feet (38 100 mm) or less in height shall be required to provide an emergency power system to support the following loads:
1. Emergency voice communications systems in buildings containing Group R-2 occupancies in accordance with Section 907.5.2.2 of this code, or where otherwise provided. Batteries in accordance with the New York City Electrical Code are permitted to serve as the secondary power supply for such systems.
2. Fire Department in-building Auxiliary Radio Communication systems (ARCs) in buildings containing Group R-2 occupancies in accordance with Section 916.3 of this code, or where otherwise provided. Batteries in accordance with the New York City Electrical Code are permitted to serve as the secondary power supply for such systems.
403.5 Means of egress and evacuation.
The means of egress in high-rise buildings shall comply with Sections 403.5.1 through 403.5.6.