402.8.6.1 Exit passageway enclosures.
Where exit passageway enclosures provide a secondary means of egress from a tenant space, doors to the exit passageway enclosures shall be minimum 1-hour fire doors with panic hardware. Such doors shall be self-closing and be so maintained or shall be automatic closing by smoke detection.
402.8.7 Service areas fronting on exit passageways.
Mechanical rooms, electrical rooms, building service areas and service elevators are permitted to open directly into exit passageways provided that the exit passageway is separated from such rooms by fire barriers providing the same fire-resistance rating as required for the exit passageway. Door swings from these rooms shall not project into the minimum width of such exit passageways.
402.8.8 Security grilles and doors.
Horizontal sliding or vertical security grilles or doors that are a part of a required means of egress shall conform to the following:
1. Doors and grilles shall remain in the full open position during the period of occupancy by the general public.
2. Doors or grilles shall not be brought to the closed position when there are 10 or more persons occupying spaces served by a single exit or 50 or more persons occupying spaces served by more than one exit.
3. The doors or grilles shall be openable from within without the use of any special knowledge or effort where the space is occupied.
4. Where two or more exits are required, not more than one-half of the exits shall be permitted to include either a horizontal sliding or vertical rolling grille or door.
403.1 Applicability.
High-rise buildings shall comply with Sections 403.2 through 403.8.
Exception: The provisions of Sections 403.2 through 403.8 shall not apply to the following buildings and structures:
1. Air traffic control towers in accordance with Section 412.3.
2. Buildings occupied entirely by Group R-3 classification.
3. Open parking garages in accordance with Section 406.5.
4. The portion of a building containing a Group A-5 occupancy in accordance with Section 303.6.
5. Special industrial occupancies in accordance with Section 503.1.1.
6. Buildings with:
6.1. A Group H-1 occupancy;
6.2. A Group H-2 occupancy in accordance with Section 415.8, 415.9.2, 415.9.3 or 426.1; or
6.3. A Group H-3 occupancy in accordance with Section 415.8.
403.2 Construction.
The construction of high-rise buildings shall comply with the provisions of Sections 403.2.1 through 403.2.4.
403.2.1 Types of construction.
The following modifications to the minimum fire-resistance rating of the building elements in Table 601 shall be as follows:
1. High rise buildings 420 feet (128 m) or greater in building height shall be constructed of Type IA construction.
2. For high rise buildings not greater than 420 feet (128 m) in building height, and constructed to meet the fire-resistance rating requirements of Type IB or IIA construction, the required fire-resistance rating of columns supporting floors shall be constructed to meet Type IA construction.
403.2.2 Seismic considerations.
For seismic considerations, see Chapter 16.
403.2.3 Structural integrity of interior exit stairways and elevator hoistway enclosures.
For all high-rise buildings, exit enclosures for interior exit stairways and elevator hoistway enclosures shall comply with Sections 403.2.3.1 through 403.2.3.4.
Exception: Where fire-resistance rating is not required by this code for the enclosure or portions thereof.