906.5.2 Pneumatic sewage ejectors.
The air pressure relief pipe from a pneumatic sewage ejector shall be connected to an independent vent stack terminating as required for vent extensions through the roof. The relief pipe shall be sized to relieve air pressure inside the ejector to atmospheric pressure, but shall be not less than 1 1/2 inches (38 mm) in size.
907.1 Vent for horizontal offset of drainage stack.
Horizontal offsets of drainage stacks shall be vented where five or more branch intervals are located above the offset. The offset shall be vented by venting the upper section of the drainage stack and the lower section of the drainage stack.
907.2 Upper section.
The upper section of the drainage stack shall be vented as a separate stack with a vent stack connection installed in accordance with Section 904.4. The offset shall be considered the base of the stack.
907.3 Lower section.
The lower section of the drainage stack shall be vented by a yoke vent connecting between the offset and the next lower horizontal branch. The yoke vent connection shall be permitted to be a vertical extension of the drainage stack. The size of the yoke vent and connection shall be a minimum of the size required for the vent stack of the drainage stack.