403.3.1 Access.
The route to the public toilet facilities required by Section 403.3 shall not pass through kitchens, storage rooms or closets. Access to the required facilities shall be from within the building or from the exterior of the building. Routes shall comply with the accessibility requirements of the New York City Building Code. The public shall have access to the required toilet facilities at all times that the building is occupied.
403.3.2 Prohibited toilet room location.
Toilet rooms shall not open directly into a room used for the preparation of food for service to the public.
403.3.3 Location of toilet facilities in occupancies other than malls.
In occupancies other than covered and open mall buildings, the required public and employee toilet facilities shall be located not more than one story above or below the space required to be provided with toilet facilities, and the path of travel to such facilities shall not exceed a distance of 500 feet (152 m).
Exception: The location and maximum distances of travel to required employee facilities in factory and industrial occupancies are permitted to exceed that required by this section, provided that the location and maximum distance of travel are approved.
403.3.4 Location of toilet facilities in malls.
In covered and open mall buildings, the required public and employee toilet facilities shall be located not more than one story above or below the space required to be provided with toilet facilities, and the path of travel to such facilities shall not exceed a distance of 300 feet (91 m). In mall buildings, the required facilities shall be based on total square footage within a covered mall building or within the perimeter line of an open mall building, and facilities shall be installed in each individual store or in a central toilet area located in accordance with this section. The maximum distance of travel to central toilet facilities in mall buildings shall be measured from the main entrance of any store or tenant space. In mall buildings, where employees' toilet facilities are not provided in the individual store, the maximum distance of travel shall be measured from the employees' work area of the store or tenant space.
403.3.5 Pay facilities.
Where pay facilities are installed, such facilities shall be in excess of the required minimum facilities. Required facilities shall be free of charge.
403.3.6 Door locking.
Where a toilet room is provided for the use of multiple occupants, the egress door for the room shall not be lockable from the inside of the room. This section does not apply to family or assisted-use toilet rooms.