6604.1.2 Explosion control.
Indoor storage rooms, areas and buildings containing Class 3 or 4 unstable (reactive) materials shall be provided with explosion control in accordance with FC 911 and the construction codes, including the Building Code.
6604.1.3 Liquid-tight floor.
In addition to FC 5004.12, floors of storage areas for liquids and solids shall be of liquid-tight construction.
6604.1.4 Storage configuration.
Unstable (reactive) materials stored in quantities greater than 500 cubic feet (14 m
3) shall be separated into piles, each not larger than 500 cubic feet (14 m3). Aisle width shall not be less than the height of the piles or 4 feet (1219 mm), whichever is greater.
Exception: Materials stored in tanks.
6604.1.5 Location.
Unstable (reactive) materials shall not be stored in basements or other areas below grade.
6604.1.6 Smoke and heat venting.
Smoke and heat venting shall be provided in accordance with FC 910 and the construction codes, including the Building Code.
6604.2 Outdoor storage.
Outdoor storage of unstable (reactive) materials in amounts exceeding the maximum allowable quantities per control area indicated in FC Table 5003.1.1(3) shall be in accordance with FC 5001, 5003, 5004 and this chapter.
6604.2.1 Distance to exposures from Class 3 and 4 (detonable) material outdoor storage areas.
Outdoor storage of Class 3 (detonable) or 4 unstable (reactive) material shall be in accordance with FC Table 5604.5.2(3). The number of pounds of material listed in the table shall be the net weight of the material present. Alternatively, the number of pounds of material shall be based on a trinitrotoluene (TNT) equivalent weight.
6604.2.2 Distance to exposures from Class 3 (deflagratable) material outdoor storage areas.
Outdoor storage of deflagratable Class 3 unstable (reactive) materials shall be in accordance with FC Table 5604.5.2(4). The number of pounds of material listed shall be the net weight of the material present.
6604.2.3 Distance to exposures from Class 1 and 2 material outdoor storage areas.
Outdoor storage of Class 1 or 2 unstable (reactive) materials shall not be within 20 feet (6096 mm) of buildings not associated with the manufacture or distribution of such materials, lot lines, public streets, private roads or means of egress. The minimum required distance shall not apply when fire barriers that have no openings or penetrations and have a minimum fire-resistance rating of 2 hours interrupt the line of sight between the storage and the exposure. The fire barrier shall either be an independent structure, or the exterior wall of the building adjacent to the storage area.
6604.2.4 Storage configuration.
Piles of unstable (reactive) materials shall not exceed 1,000 cubic feet (28 m3).
6604.2.5 Aisle widths.
Aisle widths between piles shall not be less than one-half the height of the pile or 10 feet (3048 mm), whichever is greater.