6304.1.7.1 Liquid and solid oxidizers.
The storage configuration for liquid and solid oxidizers shall be as set forth in FC Tables 6304.1.7(1) through 6304.1.7(4).
6304.1.7.2 Class 2 oxidizers.
Class 2 oxidizers shall not be stored in basements, cellars or other areas below grade, except when such storage is in stationary tanks.
6304.1.7.3 Class 3 and 4 oxidizers.
Class 3 and 4 oxidizers in amounts exceeding the maximum allowable quantity per control area set forth in FC 5003.1 shall be stored on the ground floor only.
6304.1.8 Separation of Class 4 oxidizers from other materials.
In addition to the requirements in FC 5003.9.8, Class 4 oxidizer liquids and solids shall be separated from other hazardous materials by not less than a 1-hour fire barrier or stored in hazardous materials storage cabinets. Detached storage buildings for Class 4 oxidizer liquids and solids shall be located a minimum of 50 feet (15 240 mm) from other hazardous materials storage.
6304.1.9 Contamination.
Liquid and solid oxidizers shall not be stored on or against combustible surfaces. Liquid and solid oxidizers shall be stored in a manner to prevent contamination.
6304.2 Outdoor storage.
Outdoor storage of oxidizers in amounts exceeding the maximum allowable quantities per control area set forth in FC Table 5003.1.1(3) shall be in accordance with FC 5001, 5003, 5004 and this chapter.
6304.2.1 Distance from storage to exposures for liquid and solid oxidizers.
Outdoor storage areas for liquid and solid oxidizers shall be located in accordance with FC Table 6304.1.2.