5105.1 General.
The outdoor storage of Level 2 and 3 aerosol products, including storage in temporary storage trailers, shall be separated from exposures in accordance with FC Table 5105.1.
Exposure | Minimum Distance from Aerosol Storage (feet) a |
Public streets or private roads | 20 |
Buildings | 50 |
Exit discharge to a public street or private road | 50 |
Lot lines | 20 |
Other outdoor hazardous material storage | 50 |
For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm.
a. The minimum separation distance indicated is not required where exterior walls having a 2-hour fire-resistance rating without penetrations separate the storage from the exposure. The walls shall extend not less than 30 inches above and to the sides of Level 2 and 3 aerosol products.
5106.1 General.
This section shall apply to the retail display of Level 2 and 3 aerosol products.