320.1 Laundry carts with a capacity of 1 cubic yard or more.
Laundry carts with an individual capacity of 200 gallons (1 cubic yard or 0.76 m
3) or more used for laundry purposes shall be constructed of noncombustible materials or of materials having a peak rate of heat release not exceeding 300 kW/m2 at an incident heat flux of 50 kW/m2 when tested in a horizontal orientation in accordance with ASTM E 1354, and shall be listed and labeled as such.
321.1 Scope.
This section shall govern the design, installation, operation and maintenance of underground, open cut, surface and elevated fixed guideway transit and passenger rail systems.
321.2 Design and installation.
The design and installation of fire safety and life safety systems for fixed guideway transit and passenger rail systems, including emergency ventilation systems, emergency voice communication systems, fire protection systems and means of egress, shall be in accordance with NFPA 130 and all Annexes thereto, as modified by FC Appendix B; the Electrical Code; the provisions of the construction codes applicable to fire safety and life safety systems; and this section.
321.2.1 Fire scenario design parameters.
Approved fire scenarios used for designing fixed guideway transit and passenger rail systems shall be in accordance with Sections 4.4 and A 4.4.2 of NFPA 130, as modified by FC Appendix B, and the following:
1. The worst case scenario, as set forth in NFPA 130, as modified by FC Appendix B, shall be used for both the station and trainway designs.
2. Computational fluid dynamics analysis for the fire simulation shall be performed for an approved period of time, both with and without mitigating systems, including but not limited to ventilation and sprinkler protection.
3. The tenable condition parameters reported in the computational fluid dynamics analysis, including but not limited to heat, visibility and carbon monoxide, shall be precisely reported in the analysis.
321.3 Operation and maintenance.
The operation and maintenance of fixed guideway transit and passenger rail systems shall be in accordance with NFPA 130 and all Annexes thereto, as modified by FC Appendix B.