105.3.3 Reserved.
105.3.4 Reserved.
105.3.5 Posting the permit.
Permits shall be posted in a conspicuous location on the premises designated therein at all times and shall be readily available for inspection by any representative of the department.
105.3.6 Compliance with the requirements of the code.
The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of other law, rule or regulation. Permits purporting to authorize any such violation shall not be valid. The department's approval of design and installation documents or other submission, in connection with or independent of a permit application, shall not prevent the department from requiring the correction of errors in such documents or other submission. Any addition to, or alteration of, approved design and installation documents shall be approved in advance by the department.
105.3.7 Reserved.
105.3.8 Hazardous industries.
Except as otherwise provided in this code, no person shall engage in a hazardous industry, trade, occupation, activity or operation requiring the manufacture, storage, handling, sale, use or transportation of hazardous materials or combustible materials without a permit, issued upon such conditions as the commissioner deems necessary in the interest of public safety.
105.3.9 Compliance with the requirements of the construction codes and Electrical Code.
The commissioner may require that the applicant for a permit or renewal thereof demonstrate, by submission of a certificate of occupancy or other authorization or approval issued by the Department of Buildings, that the building, structure or premises or portion thereof used for the manufacture, storage, handling or use of flammable or combustible liquids, combustible materials or hazardous materials, and all operations or facilities subject to this code, are designed, constructed and occupied in accordance with the certificate of occupancy, the construction codes and the Electrical Code.