105.2.1 Reserved.
105.2.2 Inspection of premises and installations.
Before a permit or other approval is issued, the commissioner may inspect the building, structure, facility, premises, marine vessel, watercraft or vehicle to confirm the facts set forth in the application, determine compliance with the requirements of this code, the rules and other applicable laws, rules or regulations enforced by the commissioner, or to evaluate whether any restrictions should be imposed as a condition of the permit or other approval. The department may require the applicant to arrange any such inspection, and require the applicant to attend such inspection with his or her design professionals, contractor or other appropriate representatives. When a department inspection is required upon completion of an installation or other work or requested by the department, the applicant shall notify the department upon completion of such work and request such inspection, arrange for the presence of the appropriate representatives at such inspection, correct any deficiencies identified during such inspection, and keep the installation or other work accessible for department inspection until department approval is obtained.
105.2.3 Time limitation on application.
An application for a permit or other approval shall be deemed to have been abandoned 180 calendar days after the date of filing, unless such application has been diligently prosecuted or a permit or other approval shall have been issued; except that the commissioner may grant one or more extensions of time for additional periods not exceeding 90 calendar days each if there is reasonable cause.
105.2.4 Action on application.
Completed permit applications for the manufacture, storage, handling, use, transportation or sale of flammable or combustible liquids, combustible materials or hazardous materials or an operation or facility that comply with the requirements of this code and other applicable laws, rules and regulations shall be approved by the commissioner no later than 40 calendar days after the submission thereof, except that on or before the fortieth day, the commissioner may, for good cause, extend such time for an additional 40 calendar days. Permit applications that do not comply with the requirements of this code and other applicable laws, rules and regulations shall be denied or preliminarily denied no later than 40 calendar days from the submission thereof and written notice of such denial or preliminary denial, stating the grounds therefor, shall be promptly given to the applicant. When a permit application has been denied or preliminarily denied and is thereafter revised and resubmitted to meet the stated grounds for denial, the revised completed application shall be approved or denied or preliminarily denied in accordance with the foregoing procedures and time periods.
105.3 Authority granted by permit or other approval.
A permit or other approval shall constitute permission to manufacture, store, handle, use, sell or transport hazardous materials or combustible materials, conduct an operation, or maintain a facility, as applicable, in accordance with this code and the rules where a permit is required by FC 105.6. Such permission shall not be construed as authority to violate, cancel or set aside any of the provisions of this code, the rules or other applicable laws, rules or regulations.
105.3.1 Permit issuance and renewal.
Every permit or renewal thereof granted by the commissioner shall be for a period specified therein, not to exceed 2 years, or as set forth in FC 105.6, and shall expire at the end of such period unless the commissioner approves its renewal. Permits are not transferable and any change in occupancy, operation, tenancy or ownership shall require that a new permit be issued.
105.3.2 Reserved.
105.3.3 Reserved.