105.1.3 Permits for the same premises or location.
When more than one permit is required for the same premises or other location or portion thereof, the commissioner may consolidate such permits into a single permit; provided that each type of hazardous material, operation or facility is listed in the permit, and provided further that the total fees payable for such single permit shall be determined by adding the fees for the permits consolidated into the single permit.
105.1.4 Reserved.
105.1.5 Insurance.
The commissioner may require applicants for permits or other approvals to obtain and furnish proof of general liability insurance, in such amounts and in accordance with such requirements as may be set forth in this code or the rules, otherwise required by law, or required as a condition of the permit or other approval. The permit or other approval shall expire by operation of law if any such required insurance lapses, expires or is cancelled during the term of the permit or other approval.
Application for a permit required by this code shall be made to the commissioner in such form and detail as the commissioner may prescribe. Applications for permits shall be accompanied by design and installation documents and/or such other information or documentation as may be prescribed by this code, the rules or the department. Applications for permits relating to the storage, handling, use or transportation of high explosives shall be accompanied by proof of United States citizenship.
105.2.1 Reserved.