105.1 General.
Permits and other approvals shall be required as set forth in FC 105.
105.1.1 Permits required.
It shall be unlawful to manufacture, store, handle, use, sell or transport a hazardous material or combustible material, or to conduct an operation or to maintain a facility for which a permit is required pursuant to the provisions of this code, without such permit. Permits required by this code shall be obtained from the commissioner. Permit and other applicable fees shall be paid prior to issuance of the permit.
105.1.2 Types of permits.
There shall be two types of permits as follows:
1. Site-specific permit. Such permit authorizes the permit holder to manufacture, store, handle, use or sell hazardous materials or combustible materials, or conduct an operation or maintain a facility at a specific premises or location, for which a permit is required by FC 105.6.
2. Citywide permit. Such permit authorizes the permit holder to store, handle, use, or sell hazardous materials, or conduct an operation on a citywide basis, for which a permit is required by FC 105.6. A citywide permit is valid to temporarily store, handle, use or sell hazardous materials or to conduct an operation at one or more locations subject to the following restrictions:
2.1. The duration of such activity at any individual location does not exceed 30 calendar days and all hazardous materials associated with such activity are removed from the location at the end of the workday. Periods of activity in excess of 30 calendar days at any one location shall require a site-specific permit.
2.2. The quantity of hazardous materials being temporarily stored and used does not exceed 5 gallons (19 L) of gasoline, or 250 gallons (946 L) of any other flammable liquid, and 300 gallons (1136 L) of any combustible liquid. Storage or use of hazardous materials in quantities exceeding these amounts requires a site-specific permit for each location at which such storage or use occurs.
2.3. Any vehicle used to transport a hazardous material and/or equipment for an operation requiring a citywide permit is subject to inspection by the department.
105.1.3 Permits for the same premises or location.
When more than one permit is required for the same premises or other location or portion thereof, the commissioner may consolidate such permits into a single permit; provided that each type of hazardous material, operation or facility is listed in the permit, and provided further that the total fees payable for such single permit shall be determined by adding the fees for the permits consolidated into the single permit.
105.1.4 Reserved.