101.1 Title.
This code, including any appendices hereto, shall be known as the New York City Fire Code, hereinafter referred to as "this code" or "the code." All section numbers in this code shall be deemed to be preceded by the designation "FC."
101.2 Scope.
This code governs:
1. The manufacturing, storage, handling, use, sale and transportation of hazardous materials and combustible materials, except for the installation of storage tanks and auxiliary storage tanks for oil-burning equipment.
2. The design, installation, operation and maintenance of devices, equipment and systems designed to prevent, mitigate, control and extinguish fire, explosions or other life safety hazards.
3. Emergency preparedness and planning, including procedures to provide information, guidance, direction and assistance to protect occupants of buildings, structures and premises in the event of fire or non-fire emergency, or the threat thereof.
4. The prevention, mitigation and control of hazards to firefighters and emergency responders during emergency operations.
5. The operation and maintenance of any manual, automatic or other fire alarm or fire extinguishing device, equipment or system.