a. Definitions. As used in this section:
Advisory subcommittee. The term "advisory subcommittee" means the New York city energy policy advisory subcommittee appointed to advise the city's sustainability advisory board, as established by subdivision g of section 20 of the New York city charter, regarding the long-term energy goals of the city of New York.
Administering agency. The term "administering agency" means the office or agency designated by the mayor, pursuant to subdivision f of this section, to administer the provisions of this section.
Energy supply. The term "energy supply" means (i) power plants and any other facilities that generate energy that is used in the city; (ii) infrastructure that transmits or distributes energy that is used in the city; (iii) any fuels that are used in buildings or facilities in the city; and (iv) distributed generation sources of electricity, including cogeneration and energy storage facilities that are used in the city.
Renewable energy. The term "renewable energy" means energy generated from (i) hydropower, municipal solid waste, marine and hydrokinetic, wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, and biogas; (ii) any source that the administering agency determines is renewable; or (iii) any source that is determined by the administering agency to have a positive environmental impact or a substantially lower negative environmental impact than other sources of energy.
b. New York city energy policy advisory subcommittee.
1. The administering agency shall convene a New York city energy policy advisory subcommittee.
2. The head of the administering agency or a designee of the mayor shall be the chair of the advisory subcommittee.
3. The mayor or his or her designee shall, in consultation with the speaker of the council, appoint the members of the advisory subcommittee. To the extent practicable, the appointed members shall include representatives of (i) governmental entities that regulate or have a significant interest in the development of the energy supply; (ii) energy utilities; (iii) the renewable energy industry; (iv) the energy industry; (v) consumer organizations advocating on energy issues; (vi) environmental advocacy organizations; (vii) licensed professional engineers; and (viii) other persons with experience or expertise deemed relevant by the mayor or his or her designee. Members of the advisory subcommittee shall serve without compensation and may be removed at any time by the mayor or his or her designee, in consultation with the speaker of the council.
c. Meetings. The advisory subcommittee shall convene at least once every six months for the purpose of evaluating materials related to the adequacy and potential risks to the energy supply, and to provide advice and recommendations concerning the implementation of objectives regarding the development of the energy supply, as established by the long-term energy plan required by this section.
d. The administering agency shall submit to the mayor and the speaker of the council, and make publicly available online, a long-term energy plan, in conjunction with the plan developed in accordance with subdivision e of section 20 of the New York city charter. Such plan must be completed by June 30, 2022, and shall be updated every four years thereafter. The advisory subcommittee established by this section shall provide, as needed, advice and recommendations with respect to the development of such plan, which shall include, but not be limited to:
1. A review of the current energy supply and capacity;
2. A summary of the current citywide energy demand and a projection of the future citywide energy demand over the next four years, or such longer period as the advisory subcommittee may deem appropriate, including (i) an identification of factors that may affect demand; (ii) specific recommendations regarding the capacity that could be added to the current energy supply to meet such projected demand after consideration of such factors; and (iii) actions the city could take in connection with such recommendations;
3. A list of each governmental entity that regulates or exercises any authority over the energy supply, in whole or in part, and, for each such entity, a description of its role with respect to the energy supply;
4. An estimate of the renewable energy sources within or directly connected to Zone J plus an accounting of energy efficiency measures and distributed generation that have been deployed in the city;
5. Specific recommendations for developing and integrating additional renewable energy sources and energy efficiency measures to the maximum extent possible, including actions the city could take in connection with such recommendations, and actions the city could advocate be taken by the state and federal government in connection with such recommendations.
e. Where the administering agency has established a long-term energy plan in accordance with this section and in conjunction with the long-term sustainability plan required by subdivision e of section 20 of the New York city charter, the advisory subcommittee shall provide advice and recommendations with respect to:
1. Plans for providing information to city residents and other members of the public regarding energy efficiency initiatives and the purchase of renewable energy;
2. Plans for the dissemination of information to city residents and other members of the public about the benefits of and progress attained through such long-term energy plan; and
3. For any subsequent long-term energy plan, a review of the city's objectives and recommendations established in the previous long-term energy plan.
f. The mayor shall, in writing, designate one or more offices or agencies to administer the provisions of this section and may, from time to time, change such designation. Within 10 days after such designation or change thereof, a copy of such designation or change thereof shall be published on the city's website and on the website of each such office or agency, and shall be electronically submitted to the speaker of the council.
g. The long-term energy plan developed in accordance with subdivision d of this section shall include the following:
1. An assessment of the feasibility of replacing in-city gas-fired power plants associated with the bulk power system with battery storage powered by renewable energy sources in a manner that is consistent with the New York state public service commission energy storage deployment policy developed pursuant to section 74 of the public service law;
2. An assessment of when such replacement, if feasible, can take place;
3. A review of potential technologies for battery storage of energy; and
4. In an appendix included only in the initial plan required to be completed by June 30, 2022, an assessment of the feasibility of constructing renewable energy sources combined with battery storage facilities on Rikers Island, including an evaluation of economic costs, value, rate of return, sustainability, and any additional considerations relevant to such assessment. The Rikers Island advisory committee established pursuant to subdivision b of section 4-215 of this code may submit recommendations regarding such assessment to the administering agency.
(L.L. 2017/248, 12/17/2017, eff. 12/17/2017; Am. L.L. 2019/099, 5/19/2019, eff. 5/19/2019; Am. L.L. 2021/017, 2/25/2021, eff. 2/25/2021)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2017/248.