a. In addition to any of the powers that may be exercised by the commissioner pursuant to this subchapter or chapter one of this title, the commissioner, after due notice and an opportunity to be heard, may suspend or revoke a pedicab business license upon the occurrence of any one or more of the following conditions:
1. the occurrence of fraud, misrepresentation, or false statements contained in the application for such license;
2. the operation of a pedicab, owned by the pedicab business, by a pedicab driver who does not have in full force and effect a pedicab driver license and a motor vehicle driver's license;
3. the operation of a pedicab, owned by the pedicab business, that has not been inspected or that does not have affixed to it a registration plate as required by section 20-255 of this subchapter; or
4. violation by a pedicab business of any of the provisions of chapter one of this title, provisions of this subchapter, rules promulgated pursuant to this subchapter, or any other law applicable to the operation of a pedicab business.
b. Notwithstanding subdivision a of this section, upon the occurrence of any of the conditions set forth in subdivision a, if the commissioner determines that continued possession by a pedicab owner of a pedicab business license would pose an exigent danger to the public, the commissioner may suspend such pedicab business license, subject to a prompt post-suspension hearing.
c. In addition to any of the powers that may be exercised by the commissioner pursuant to this subchapter or chapter one of this title, the commissioner, after due notice and an opportunity to be heard, may suspend or revoke a pedicab driver license upon the occurrence of any one or more of the following conditions:
1. the occurrence of fraud, misrepresentation, or false statements contained in the application for such license;
2. the operation of a pedicab that has not been inspected or that does not have affixed to it a registration plate as required by section 20-255 of this subchapter; or
3. the violation by a pedicab driver of any of the provisions of chapter one of this title, provisions of this subchapter, rules promulgated pursuant to this subchapter, or of any other law applicable to the operation of a pedicab by such pedicab driver.
d. Notwithstanding subdivision c of this section, upon the occurrence of any of the provisions set forth in subdivision c of this section, if the commissioner determines that continued possession by a pedicab driver of a pedicab driver license would pose an exigent danger to the public, the commissioner may suspend such pedicab driver license, subject to a prompt post-suspension hearing.
e. 1. Any pedicab driver who has been found to have committed:
(i) one violation of paragraph 7 of subdivision b of section 20-259 within any twelve-month period shall have his or her pedicab drivers license suspended by the commissioner for a period of not less than three months.
(ii) two violations of paragraph 7 of subdivision b of section 20-259 within any twelve-month period shall have his or her pedicab drivers license revoked by the commissioner.
(iii) one violation of paragraph 6 of subdivision b of section 20-259 within any twelve-month period shall have his or her license revoked by the commissioner.
2. For purposes of this subdivision, all violations committed on any one day by any one pedicab shall constitute a single violation.
f. Any pedicab business that has been found to have been in violation of section 20-255 at least one time within any twelve month period shall have its business license suspended by the commissioner for a period of not less than one month. Any pedicab business that has been found to have been in violation of section 20-255 at least three times within any twelve month period shall have its business license suspended by the commissioner for a period of not less than one year. For purposes of this subdivision only, all violations committed on any one day shall constitute a single violation.
g. A pedicab business that, or pedicab driver who, has had its, his or her license revoked, in accordance with this section may not apply for a new license for three years from the date of revocation.
h. In addition to any of the powers that may be exercised by the commissioner pursuant to this subchapter, the commissioner, after due notice and an opportunity to be heard, may suspend, revoke, deny or refuse to renew a pedicab business license based on a determination that the number and/or type of violation or violations issued to drivers of pedicabs owned by such business indicate that the operation of such business poses a threat to public safety.
i. Any pedicab that is found in violation of paragraph 4, paragraph 5 or paragraph 9 of subdivision a of section 20-254 three times or more within any twelve month period shall have its registration suspended by the commissioner for a period of not less than one year and such pedicab shall not be operated during such period.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2009/053.
a. In any civil, criminal or administrative action or proceeding, the failure to display the registration plate on the pedicab on which it is required to be displayed as provided in section 20-255 of this subchapter shall be presumptive evidence that such pedicab has not been inspected and is not duly registered as required by this subchapter.
b. In any civil, criminal or administrative action or proceeding, the failure by a pedicab driver who is required to be licensed pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter to display or to exhibit on demand such pedicab driver's license in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter to any officer or employee authorized to enforce the provisions of this subchapter, shall be presumptive evidence that such pedicab driver is not duly licensed.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2009/053.
a. It is a traffic infraction to violate any provision of this subchapter and such traffic infractions shall be punishable in accordance with section eighteen hundred of the New York state vehicle and traffic law.
b. Any person who violates any provision of this subchapter or any rules promulgated pursuant to this subchapter shall be subject to a civil penalty of: (1) two hundred dollars for the first violation and for each additional violation committed on the same day; (2) five hundred dollars for the second violation committed, and each additional violation committed on the same day, within a one-year period; and (3) one thousand dollars for the third and any subsequent violation committed, and each additional violation committed on the same day, within a one-year period; provided that any person who violates section 20-253, paragraph 6 or 7 of subdivision b or subdivision d or e of section 20-259, or any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder, shall be subject to a civil penalty of: (1) five hundred dollars for the first violation; (2) one thousand dollars for the second violation committed, and each additional violation committed on the same day, within a one-year period; and (3) four thousand dollars for the third and any subsequent violation committed, and each additional violation committed on the same day, within a one-year period; and provided further that a person shall be subject to a civil penalty of zero dollars for a first violation of paragraph 13, 14 or 15 of subdivision a of section 20-254 or subdivision d or e of section 20-255 or any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder, or any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant to subdivision b of section 20-265 of this subchapter, if such person proves to the satisfaction of the department, within thirty days of the issuance of the notice of violation and prior to the commencement of an adjudication of the violation, that the violation has been cured. The submission of proof of a cure, if accepted by the department as proof that the violation has been cured, shall be deemed an admission of liability for all purposes. The option of presenting proof that the violation has been cured shall be offered as part of any settlement offer made by the department to a person who has received, for the first time, a notice of violation of paragraph 13, 14 or 15 of subdivision a of section 20-254 or subdivision d or e of section 20-255 of this subchapter or any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder, or any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant to subdivision b of section 20-265 of this subchapter. The department shall permit such proof to be submitted electronically or in person. A person may seek review, in the department's administrative tribunal, of the determination that the person has not submitted proof of a cure within fifteen days of receiving written notification of such determination. The pedicab business that authorizes the operation of such pedicab shall be jointly and severally liable with the pedicab driver thereof, for the penalties imposed by this section.
c. A violation of section 20-250 or 20-257 or paragraph 6 of subdivision b of section 20-259 of this subchapter or any rules promulgated thereunder shall constitute a violation punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars or imprisonment of up to fifteen days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
d. Any police or peace officer or authorized officer or employee of the department, upon service on the pedicab business or pedicab driver of a notice of violation for the failure of the pedicab business to obtain the required inspection of a pedicab or have a valid registration plate affixed to the pedicab pursuant to section 20-255 or for the failure of a pedicab driver to be licensed pursuant to section 20-257, may seize such pedicab. Any pedicab seized pursuant to this subdivision shall be delivered into the custody of the department or other appropriate agency. The commissioner shall hold a hearing to adjudicate the violation of subdivision a of section 20-255 or section 20-257 within two business days after the date of the seizure and shall render his or her determination within two business days after the conclusion of the hearing.
e. A pedicab business shall be eligible to obtain release of a pedicab seized pursuant to subdivision d of this section prior to the hearing provided for in such subdivision, if such business has not been found liable for a violation of subdivision a of section 20-255 or section 20-257 within a five-year period prior to the violation resulting in seizure. The pedicab shall be released to such business upon the posting of an all cash bond in a form satisfactory to the commissioner in an amount sufficient to cover the maximum civil penalties which may be imposed for a violation of subdivision a of section 20-255 or section 20-257 and all reasonable costs for removal and storage of such vehicle.
g. Where the commissioner, after adjudication of the violation of subdivision a of section 20-255 or section 20-257, finds a violation of such subdivision or such section, then (i) if the pedicab is not subject to forfeiture pursuant to paragraph one of subdivision i of this section, the department shall release such pedicab to the pedicab business upon payment of all applicable civil penalties and all reasonable costs of removal and storage; or (ii) if the pedicab is subject to forfeiture pursuant to paragraph one of subdivision i of this section, the department may release such pedicab to the pedicab business upon payment of all civil penalties and all reasonable costs of removal and storage, or may commence a forfeiture action within ten days after the written demand by such business for such pedicab.
h. The department shall establish by rule the time within which pedicabs that are not redeemed may be deemed abandoned and the procedures for disposal.
i. 1. In addition to any other penalty or sanction provided for in section 20-261 or in this section, a pedicab seized pursuant to subdivision d of this section, and all rights, title and interest therein shall be subject to forfeiture to the city upon notice and judicial determination thereof if the pedicab business that owns such pedicab has been found liable at least two times within a five-year period for failing to have such pedicab inspected as required by subdivision a of section 20-255 or for permitting operation by an unlicensed pedicab driver in violation of section 20-257.
2. A forfeiture action pursuant to this subdivision shall be commenced by the filing of a summons with a notice or a summons and complaint in accordance with the civil practice law and rules. Such summons with notice or a summons and complaint shall be served in accordance with the civil practice law and rules on the pedicab business that owns such pedicab, and on any person listed on an application or other record of the department as an owner of such pedicab. A pedicab which is the subject of such action shall remain in the custody of the department or other appropriate agency pending the final determination of the forfeiture action.
3. Any person who receives notice of the institution of a forfeiture action who claims an interest in the pedicab subject to forfeiture may assert a claim in such action for the recovery of the pedicab or satisfaction of such owner's interest in such pedicab.
4. Forfeiture pursuant to this subdivision shall be made subject to the interest of a person who claims an interest in such pedicab pursuant to subdivision three of this subdivision, where such person establishes that: (i) such pedicab was operated without having been inspected as required by subdivision a of section 20-255 or operated in violation of section 20-257 without the knowledge of such person, or if such person had knowledge of such operation, that such person did not consent to such operation by doing all that could reasonably have been done to prevent such operation, or (ii) that the operation of such pedicab without having been inspected as required by subdivision a of section 20-255 or operated in violation of section 20-257 was conducted by any person other than such person claiming an interest in the pedicab, while such pedicab was unlawfully in the possession of a person who acquired possession thereof in violation of the criminal laws of the United States or any state.
5. The department or agency having custody of the pedicab, after judicial determination of forfeiture, shall, by public notice of at least five days, sell such forfeited pedicab at public sale. The net proceeds of any such sale shall be paid into the general fund of the city.
6. In any forfeiture action commenced pursuant to this subdivision, where the court awards a sum of money to one or more persons in satisfaction of such person's interest in the forfeited pedicab, the total amount awarded to satisfy such interest or interests shall not exceed the amount of the net proceeds of the sale of the forfeited vehicle after deduction of the lawful expenses incurred by the city, including reasonable costs of removal and storage of the pedicab between the time of the seizure and the date of sale.
j. The penalties provided by subdivisions a, b, c, d and i of this section shall be in addition to any other penalty imposed by any other provision of law or rule promulgated thereunder.
(Am. L.L. 2021/080, 7/18/2021, eff. 11/15/2021)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2021/080.
* Editor's note: there are two sections designated as § 20-264.
Authorized officers and employees of the department, the police department and any department designated by the commissioner, and any police or peace officer shall have the power to enforce any provision of this subchapter or any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant to this subchapter.
* Editor's note: there are two sections designated as § 20-265.
a. The commissioner may make and promulgate such rules and prescribe such forms as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this subchapter. The commissioners of the department of transportation and the department of parks and recreation may also make and promulgate such rules as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this subchapter.
b. The commissioner may authorize pedicabs to display advertising to the extent permitted by rules promulgated pursuant to this section.
* Editor's note: there are two sections designated as § 20-266.
Eighteen months after the local law that added this section, the commissioner, in consultation with the commissioners of the departments of transportation and the police department, shall submit a report to the mayor and the speaker of the council regarding the effectiveness of these regulations at ensuring the safety of pedicab consumers and minimizing the effects of pedicabs on traffic and congestion. Such report shall include, among other things, the number of pedicab business licenses issued, the number of pedicabs that have registered, the number of pedicab driver licenses issued, the number of pedicab business and pedicab driver applications received by the department, the number of pedicab business and pedicab driver applicants on a waiting list, if any, and the number of traffic accidents involving pedicabs.
Subchapter 10: [Repealed]
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1992/063.