L.L. 2018/071
Enactment date: 1/19/2018
Int. No. 1466
By Council Members Van Bramer, Levine, Salamanca, Rodriguez, Menchaca and Kallos
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to cleaning park playground equipment after the spraying of pesticides
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Within 180 days of the effective date of the local law that added this section, the department of health and mental hygiene, in consultation with the department of parks and recreation, shall, by rule, establish the minimum distance between playground equipment and the spraying of a pesticide at which such equipment will not be exposed to such pesticides.
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[Consolidated provisions are not included in this Appendix A]
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§ 3. This local law takes effect immediately, except that section two of this local law shall take effect 180 days after it becomes law, and except that the commissioner of parks and the commissioner of health and mental hygiene may take such measures as are necessary for the implementation of such sections, including the promulgation of rules, prior to such effective date.