1. "Persons" means an individual, firm, company, partnership or corporation, trade group or association.
2. "Home improvement" means the construction, repair, replacement, remodeling, alteration, conversion, rehabilitation, renovation, modernization, improvement, or addition to any land or building, or that portion thereof which is used or designed to be used as a residence or dwelling place and shall include but not be limited to the construction, erection, replacement, or improvement of driveways, swimming pools, terraces, patios, landscaping, fences, porches, garages, fallout shelters, basements, and other improvements to structures or upon land which is adjacent to a dwelling house. "Home improvement" shall not include (i) the construction of a new home or building or work done by a contractor in compliance with a guarantee of completion of a new building project, (ii) the sale of goods or materials by a seller who neither arranges to perform nor performs directly or indirectly any work or labor in connection with the installation of or application of the goods or materials, (iii) residences owned by or controlled by the state or any municipal subdivision thereof, or (iv) painting or decorating of a building, residence, home or apartment, when not incidental or related to home improvement work as herein defined. Without regard to the extent of affixation, "home improvement" shall also include the installation of central heating or air conditioning systems, central vacuum cleaning systems, storm windows, awnings or communication systems.
3. "Building" means any structure containing no more than four residences or dwelling units.
4. "Owner" means any homeowner, cooperative shareholder, condominium unit owner, tenant, or any other person who orders, contracts for or purchases the home improvement services of a contractor or the person entitled to the performance of the work of a contractor pursuant to a home improvement contract.
5. "Contractor" means any person, other than a bona fide employee of the owner, who owns, operates, maintains, conducts, controls or transacts a home improvement business and who undertakes or offers to undertake or agrees to perform any home improvement or solicits any contract therefor, whether or not such person is licensed or subject to the licensing requirements of this subchapter, and whether or not such person is a prime contractor or subcontractor with respect to the owner.
6. "Home improvement contract" means an agreement, whether oral or written, or contained in one or more documents, between a contractor and an owner, or contractor and a tenant, regardless of the number of residences or dwelling units contained in the building in which the tenant resides, provided said work is to be performed in, to or upon the residence or dwelling unit of such tenant, for the performance of a home improvement and includes all labor, services and materials to be furnished and performed thereunder.
7. "Licensee" means a person permitted to engage in the home improvement business under the provisions of this subchapter.
8. "Home improvement establishment" means any shop, establishment, place or premises where the home improvement business is transacted or carried on.
9. "Salesperson" means any individual who negotiates or offers to negotiate a home improvement contract with an owner, or solicits or otherwise endeavors to procure in person a home improvement contract from an owner on behalf of a contractor, or for himself or herself should the salesperson be also the contractor, whether or not such person is licensed or subject to the licensing requirements of this subchapter.
(Am. L.L. 2020/031, 2/11/2020, eff. 8/9/2020)
(a) No person shall solicit, canvass, sell, perform or obtain a home improvement contract as a contractor from an owner without a license therefor.
(b) A license issued pursuant to this subchapter may not be construed to authorize the licensee to perform any particular type of work or engage in any kind of business which is reserved to qualified licensees under separate provisions of state or local law, nor shall any license or authority other than that which is issued or permitted pursuant to this subchapter authorize engaging in the home improvement business.
(Am. L.L. 2020/031, 2/11/2020, eff. 8/9/2020)
1. The fee for a license to conduct a home improvement business shall be fifty dollars and for each renewal thereof the fee shall be fifty dollars.
2. The fee for issuing a duplicate license or for one lost, destroyed or mutilated shall be ten dollars.
(Am. L.L. 2020/031, 2/11/2020, eff. 8/9/2020)
a. No license shall be assignable or transferable.
b. A license issued hereunder shall at all times be posted in a conspicuous place in the place of the licensee.
c. Every licensee shall within ten days after a change of control in ownership, or of management, or of change of address or trade name notify the commissioner of each change.
d. A duplicate license may be issued for one lost or mutilated and shall bear the word "duplicate" stamped across its face.
e. Commissioner's powers. In addition to the powers and duties elsewhere prescribed in this subchapter, the commissioner shall have power:
(1) To appoint an adequate number of assistants, inspectors and other employees as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this subchapter, to prescribe their duties, and to fix their compensation within the amount appropriated therefor;
(2) To examine the qualifications and fitness of applicants for licenses under this subchapter;
(3) To keep record of all licenses issued, suspended or revoked;
(4) At any time to require reasonable information of an applicant or licensee, and may require the production of books of accounts, financial statements, contracts or other records which relate to the home improvement activity, qualification or compliance with this subchapter by the licensee provided, however, that said information and production of records is required of him or her pursuant to its regular business and functions under this subchapter.