(a)   Commission Required. Any person desiring to employ a private watchman or private policeman shall notify the Director of Public Safety of his intention to do so, whereupon the Director shall issue a commission to such watchman or private policeman subject to the rules and regulations set forth in this section.
(1969 Code Sec. 33.50)
   (b)   Authority to Arrest. A person employed as a private watchman or private policeman shall have no authority to make arrests except upon the immediately surrounding premises or property of the employer, unless such person is requested by a regular policeman to assist in making an arrest.
(1969 Code Sec. 33.51)
   (c)   Notice of Discharge or Resignation. Any person employing a private watchman or private policeman shall notify the Director of the discharge or resignation of any such private watchman or private policeman.
(1969 Code Sec. 33.52)
   (d)   Compensation; Liability of City. Any person employing a private watchman or private policeman shall furnish such person with a distinctive badge unlike that of regular police officers and shall pay such private watchman or private policeman for his services. Under no circumstances shall the City be liable in consequence of such employment.
(1969 Code Sec. 33.53)
   (e)   Application to State Territory. In making application for appointment under this section, the territory or beat of the person employed shall be fully described.
(1969 Code Sec. 33. 54.33. 54)
   (f)   List of Persons Employed, Discharged or Resigned. The Director shall keep a list of all persons employed, discharged or resigned under this section and such list shall be kept at all times at the disposal of the Police Division.
(1969 Code Sec. 33.55)
   (g)   Oath. Any person so commissioned as a private watchman or private policeman shall appear before the Mayor and take an oath of office. Until such oath is taken and return thereof made to the Director, the powers specified in this chapter shall not be considered as conferred.
(1969 Code Sec. 33.56)
   (h)   Authority of Chief of Police. Any person appointed as a private watchman or private policeman shall, in all things, except as to the performance of his specific duties, be under the general control of the Chief of Police, in order to prevent interference with or conflict of jurisdiction.
(1969 Code Sec. 33.57)
   (i)   Liability of Employer. If any employer fails to notify the Director of the appointment, resignation or discharge of any person employed by him as a private watchman or private policeman or if such private watchman or private policeman has not been commissioned and taken the required oath and attempts to exercise the powers conferred on him by this section, the employer shall be held liable for all legal. damages resulting from such unlawful exercise of power.
(1969 Code Sec. 33.58)
   (j)   Police Power. Any person appointed as a private watchman or private policeman in accordance with the provisions of this section shall, within the limits of the territory or beat which he has been appointed to cover, and subject to the provisions of this section, exercise all the authority of a police officer of the City.
(1969 Code Sec. 33.59)