Stormwater Management User Fee
   56.01   Definitions
   56.02   Purpose
   56.03   User fee
   56.04   Property affected
   56.05   Fees established
   56.06   Collection
   56.07   Credits; adjustments
   56.08   Revenue administration
   56.09   Policy fairness and equitability
   56.10   Enforcement
   56.11   Appeals
Construction Site Runoff Control
   56.20   Title, purpose and general provisions
   56.21   Objectives
   56.22   Definitions
   56.23   Authority and right-of-entry
   56.24   Permit application process
   56.25   Perimeter control plan requirements
   56.26   Perimeter and outfall inspections
   56.27   Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan requirements
   56.28   Requirements for individual lots
   56.29   Notice of termination
   56.30   Inspections and maintenance
   56.31   Enforcement and penalties
   56.32   Appeals
   56.33   Compatibility and severability
   56.34   Permit fees
Stormwater Illicit Discharge Control
   56.45   Title, purpose and general provisions
   56.46   Definitions
   56.47   Authority and right-of-entry
   56.48   Illicit discharges
   56.49   Accidental discharges
   56.50   Enforcement and penalties
   56.51   Appeals
   56.52   Compatibility and severability
Post-Construction Runoff Control
   56.60   Title, purpose and general provisions
   56.61   Goals and objectives
   56.62   Definitions
   56.63   Authority and right-of-entry
   56.64   Post-Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
   56.65   BMP design requirements and criteria
   56.66   BMP ownership and easements
   56.67   Regional facilities management
   56.68   Stormwater quality management plan permit closure
   56.69   Oversight inspections and authority
   56.70   Enforcement and penalties
   56.71   Appeals
   56.72   Compatibility and severability