Definitions established in § 56.46 of this chapter shall apply, in addition to the following definitions, abbreviations and acronyms.
   BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs). Those measures described in the latest edition of The Indiana Department of Natural Resource's guidance documents, including the Handbook for Erosion Control in Developing Areas, 1985 or the Indiana Stormwater Quality Manual. This shall also include related documents published and distributed by the city.
   CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL IN EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (CPESC). A national certification sponsored by the Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS) and the International Erosion Control Association (IECA). Applicants go through a process including peer reviews and written exams. CERTIFIED PROFESSIONALS can design and evaluate erosion and sediment control and/or storm water control plans as well as educate others in sound approaches for preventing off-site impacts from development activities.
   CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL IN STORMWATER QUALITY CONTROL (CPSQC). A national certification sponsored by the Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS) and the International Erosion Control Association (IECA). Applicants go through a process including peer reviews and written exams. CERTIFIED PROFESSIONALS can design and evaluate erosion and sediment control and/or storm water control plans as well as educate others in sound approaches for preventing off-site impacts from development activities.
   EUTROPHICATION. A natural process of nutrients and sediment building up over time in a body of water until it gradually fills in and disappears from the landscape. Human activities within a watershed can greatly accelerate this process.
   FLOCCULATING. Agitation of chemically treated water to induce coagulation. Very small suspended particles collide and agglomerate into a larger heavier "floc" that settle out by gravity. FLOCCULATION is a principal mechanism in removing turbidity from water.
   HYDROLOGIC PERIMETER. The watershed(s) perimeter for subject property.
   HYDROLOGIC UNIT CODE (HUC). A number unique to a specific watershed, enabling agencies to have common terms of reference and agree on the boundaries of a watershed. These commonly understood boundaries foster understanding of how landscapes function, where water quality problems should be addressed, and who needs to be involved in the planning process.
   PERIMETER CONTROL PLAN (PCP). A component of the stormwater quality management permit that illustrates the steps taken around the perimeter of the project site to prevent sediment discharge and other construction pollutants from leaving the site.
   PERIMETER OUTFALL(S). The watershed discharge point(s) for subject property.
   PERMITTEE. The person responsible for the land-disturbing activity and who shall have ownership interest in the subject property.
   QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL. An individual who is trained and experienced in stormwater treatment techniques and related fields as may be demonstrated by state registration, professional certification, experience or completion of coursework that enable the individual to make sound, professional judgments regarding stormwater control or treatment and monitoring, pollutant fate and transport and drainage planning.
   STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP). A component of the stormwater quality management permit that illustrates how the discharge of sediment and other construction pollutants will be maintained on the site.
   STORMWATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PERMIT (SWQMP). A legal document that allows the permit holder to break ground or disturb soil on an entire construction site within the provisions of a Perimeter Control Plan and a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. The permit addresses erosion prevention, sediment control and non-sediment pollution prevention activities.
(Ord. Z-06-09, passed 4-3-2006)