(A)   All revenues generated by or on behalf of the stormwater management program shall be deposited in a non-reverting stormwater revenue fund and used exclusively for the stormwater management program.
   (B)   Revenues generated by or on behalf of the stormwater management program pursuant to this chapter shall not exceed the estimated cost of service required to implement the city's identified stormwater quantity and quality level of service. While contingency planning and budgeting is permissible, revenues cannot exceed long-term program cost of service estimates.
   (C)   To the extent that the stormwater user fees collected are insufficient to construct needed stormwater drainage facilities, the cost of the same may be paid from the city funds as may be determined by the Board and the Common Council. However, revenues from the city's sanitary sewer utility shall not be utilized for stormwater drainage expenses without the prior expressed written consent of the City of New Albany Sewer Board.
   (D)   The Stormwater Utility Fund shall be used for the following purposes:
      (1)   Acquisition of property by gift, purchase or condemnation necessary to construct, operate and maintain stormwater management facilities;
      (2)   Costs of administration and implementation of the stormwater management program;
      (3)   Engineering and design, debt service and related financing expenses, planning, construction costs for new stormwater facilities and enlargement or improvement of existing facilities;
      (4)   Operation and maintenance of the stormwater system, including the monitoring and inspection of stormwater control devices and facilities;
      (5)   Water quality monitoring and water quality programs;
      (6)   Inspection and enforcement activities;
      (7)   Elected official, appointed official, stakeholder and general public education and outreach relating to stormwater;
      (8)   Billing, revenue collection and associated administrative costs; and
      (9)   Other activities that are reasonably required to manage and operate the stormwater system.
(Ord. G-05-52, passed 11-2-2005)