A. The city's director of public works is authorized to erect or place and maintain signs on any sidewalk or roadway prohibiting the riding of bicycles thereon by any person.
B. The city's director of public works is authorized to erect or place and maintain signs upon any street or adjacent to any street in the city, indicating the existence of a bicycle path, lane or route or otherwise regulating the operation and use of vehicles and bicycles with respect thereto, as long as the same are consistent with this chapter. Where such a sign is erected, such other designation, including, but not limited to, appropriate painting or such other devices as the city's director of public works shall determine, will provide sufficient notice of the existence of the bicycle path, lane or route. Said signing shall conform with provisions established by the California Traffic-Control Devices Committee.
(Ord. 605-24 § 2 (part), 2024)
No person shall operate any motorized vehicle upon any bicycle lane or path, except to park when permitted, to enter or leave the roadway, or to prepare for a turn within a distance of 200 feet from the intersection. Nothing in this section shall be deemed or construed to prohibit any bus owned and operated by a public transportation district or other authorized transportation agencies from driving upon such bicycle lanes within 150 feet of any bus stop approved by the city. Parking of motor vehicles is prohibited on bicycle lanes, provided such restriction is appropriately posted. This section does not prohibit the use of a motorized bicycle in a bicycle lane, pursuant to Vehicle Code § 21207.5, at a speed no greater than is reasonable or prudent, having due regard for visibility, traffic conditions, and the condition of the roadway surface of the bicycle lane, and in a manner which does not endanger the safety of bicyclists.
(Ord. 605-24 § 2 (part), 2024)