16.44.260 Short-Term Vacation Rentals.
A.   Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to establish the locational regulations for the use of privately owned single-family residential dwelling units and condominiums to minimize the potential adverse secondary effects of such uses on surrounding neighborhoods, to prevent the increase and over concentration of transient uses in residential neighborhoods and zoning districts, impose reasonable limitations to ensure the long-term availability of housing stock in compliance with the housing element of the city’s general plan, and ensure neighborhood compatibility with short-term vacation rentals under the framework of the Development Code. See, also, Chapter 5.27 (Short-Term Vacation Rentals) of this municipal code for additional requirements and definitions, as well as, Section 16.110.020 (Definitions of Specialized Terms and Phrases).
B.   Location and Applicability.
   1.   Hosted short-term vacation rental units shall be permitted in the following zoning designations: RR, ER-1, ER-2, ER-3, SF-1, SF-2, MF-1, and MF-2, and MF-3, subject to compliance with the below criteria:
      a.   There is capacity for the subject hosted rental unit under the citywide maximum limit of three hundred (300) STVRs; and
      b.   The hosted rental unit meets all of the applicable requirements contained in this Title 16 and Chapter 5.27 of the Murrieta Municipal Code, as well as all other applicable laws, rules and regulations; and
      c.   Hosted rental units are prohibited in all other zones within the city limits.
   2.   Non-hosted short-term rental vacation rental units shall be permitted in the following zoning designations: RR, ER-1, and ER-2, subject to compliance with the below criteria:
      a.   Within the ER-1, and ER-2 zones:
         i.   No non-hosted short-term vacation rental unit shall be located within three hundred (300) feet of another non-hosted short-term vacation rental unit; and
         ii.   The three hundred (300) foot separation distance shall be measured as a radial distance from all property lines of the subject non-hosted short-term vacation rental unit property.
      b.   There is capacity for the subject non-hosted short-term vacation rental unit within the citywide maximum limit of three hundred (300) STVRs;
      c.   The non-hosted short-term vacation rental unit meets all of the applicable requirements contained in this Title 16 and Chapter 5.27 of the Murrieta Municipal Code, as well as all other applicable laws, rules and regulations; and
      d.   Non-hosted short-term vacation rental units are prohibited in all other zones within the city limits.
   3.   This Chapter shall apply only to privately-owned single-family residential dwellings and condominiums, as defined by Chapter 5.27. Detached permitted habitable structures may be permitted for use for short-term vacation rental purposes (Excluding: accessory dwelling units and junior accessory dwelling units).
   4.   Any person who rents or leases a single-family residential dwelling, condominium, apartment, or mobile home, shall not be permitted to use of said dwelling for short-term vacation rental purposes.
   5.   Publicly owned single-family residential dwellings, condominiums, apartments, mobile homes, and those dwellings that are subject to affordable housing covenants imposed or required by the city or any of its affiliated agencies, shall not be used for short-term vacation rental purposes.
   6.   Mobile or modular homes on leased property shall not be used for short-term vacation rental purposes.
   7.   Temporary occupancy vehicles, also known as recreational vehicles, inclusive of motor homes, travel trailers, truck campers, camping trailers, and park trailers, fifth-wheel travel trailers, house cars, trailer coaches, slide-in campers, trunk campers, tent trailers, with or without a motor, shall not be used for short-term vacation rental purposes.
   8.   Tents and similar shelters shall not be used for short-term vacation rental purposes.
   9.   Garages shall not be used for short-term vacation rental purposes.
   10.   Temporary use permits, including commercial filming permits, shall not be granted at residential locations with concurrent short-term vacation rental permits.
C.   Cap Limitation. Consistent with the maximum number of STVR permits that may be issued by the city under Section 5.27.050 of this municipal code; the maximum number of STVR units that may operate in the city is three hundred (300).
D.   Parking. Refer to Table 3-7 “Parking Requirements By Land Use” for operational aspects as it relates to short-term vacation rentals and Table 5.27-01 “Short-Term Vacation Rental Occupancy Limits and Parking Requirements” for on-site parking quantities for short-term vacation rentals.
E.   Signs. Refer to Section 16.38.050.C.7 (Short-Term Vacation Rental Temporary Signs) for requirements.
(Ord. 561-20, Exhibit B (part), 2020)