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Murrieta Overview
Murrieta, CA Municipal Code
Murrieta, California Municipal Code
Title 4 (RESERVED)
Title 7 (RESERVED)
Title 11 (Reserved)
Title 14 (RESERVED)
Article I - Development Code Enactment and Applicability
Article II - Zoning Districts and Allowable Land Uses
Article III - Site Planning and General Development Standards
16.18 General Property Development and Use Standards
16.20 Density Bonus Regulations
16.22 Fences, Hedges, and Walls
16.24 Hillside Development
16.26 Cultural Resource Preservation
16.28 Landscaping Standards and Water Efficient Landscaping
16.30 Noise
16.32 Nonconforming Uses, Structures, and Parcels
16.34 Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards
16.36 Public Facilities/Infrastructure Mitigation
16.38 Sign Standards
16.40 Transportation Demand Management
16.42 Tree Preservation
16.44 Standards for Specific Land Use
Article IV - Administration
Article V - Subdivisions
Article VI - Development Code Definitions
16.44.161 Employee Workforce and Student Units.
Employee Workforce and Student Units shall be developed in accordance with Chapter 16.13 (Innovation District).
(Ord. 559-20 § 8, 2020)
16.44.170 Telecommunications Facilities.
This section establishes standards for the development and operation of telecommunications facilities including satellite dishes and wireless communications facilities. Satellite dishes are a permitted use in residential, commercial, and industrial zoning districts in compliance with Article II (Zoning Districts and Allowable Land Uses) subject to regulations in Section 16.44.170A. Wireless communications facilities may not be permitted with a conditional use permit subject to the regulations in Section 16.44.170B.
   A.   Satellite Dishes. Satellite dishes, including portable units, shall be designed, installed and maintained in compliance with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) regulations and in compliance with this section. Satellite dishes with a maximum diameter of one meter are not regulated by this chapter.
      1.   Plans. Plans for satellite dishes shall be submitted with each application for a building permit, and shall include a site plan and elevation drawings indicating the color, diameter, foundation details, height, landscaping, setbacks and method(s) of screening.
      2.   Painting. The dishes and any supporting structure shall be painted a single, neutral, nonglossy color (e.g., earth-tones, gray, black, etc.).
      3.   Setbacks. Satellite dishes shall not be located within front or street side yard setbacks without approval of a minor variance and shall not extend beyond the property lines.
      4.   Underground Wiring. All wiring shall be placed underground, whenever possible.
      5.   Residential Zoning District Standards. In residential zoning districts, satellite dishes shall be subject to the following requirements.
         a.   Development Plan Permit. A development plan permit, in compliance with Chapter 16.56 (Development Plan Permits), shall be required for the construction and/or placement of a satellite dish in a residential zoning district. Not less than thirty (30) days after acceptance of an application as complete, the director shall schedule the time and date on which the director's decision on the application is to be made.
At least ten days before the date on which the decision will be made, the director shall give notice of the proposed use by mail to the applicant and all property owners within a one hundred (100) foot radius of the exterior boundaries of the subject property.
         b.   Ground-mounted. Only ground-mounted dishes be allowed. The dish shall be located only within the rear yard of the parcel, at least five feet from the rear lot line of an interior parcel, and fifteen (15) feet from the street side lot line of a corner parcel. This provision may be modified by the di-rector if strict compliance would result in substandard reception.
         c.   Diameter. The diameter of a ground-mounted satellite dish shall not exceed eight feet. This provision may be modified by the director if strict compliance would result in substandard reception.
         d.   Fence or Wall. Satellite dishes shall be separated from adjoining properties by a minimum six- (6-) foot-high solid fence or wall, or by plants or trees of equal height, approved by the director.
         e.   Height. The height of the antennae shall not exceed ten feet, at the highest point of the dish. This provision may be modified by the director if strict compliance would result in substandard reception.
         f.   Number. Only one satellite dish shall be allowed on a parcel.
         g.   Setbacks. A satellite dish that is taller than adjoining property line fences shall be located away from the side or rear property line a distance equal to or greater than the height of the dish.
      6.   Nonresidential Zoning District Standards. In nonresidential zoning districts, satellite dishes may be roof- or ground-mounted subject to the following standards.
         a.   Development Plan Permit. A development plan permit in compliance with Chapter 16.56 (Development Plan Permits) shall be required for the construction and/or placement of a satellite dish in a commercial, innovation, or industrial zoning district.
         b.   Ground-mounted. If ground-mounted, dishes shall not be located between a structure and an adjoining street and shall be screened from public view and neighboring parcels.
         c.   Roof-mounted. If roof-mounted, dishes shall be screened from ground view by a parapet or other type of screening. The minimum height and design of the parapet, wall or screening shall be subject to the approval of the director. Screening materials shall be architecturally compatible with the rest of the structure.
         d.   Diameter. The diameter of a ground-mounted satellite dish shall not exceed eight feet. This provision may be modified by the director if strict compliance would result in substandard reception.
         e.   Height and Location. The height and location of the satellite dish shall comply with the requirements of the applicable zoning district. The height provision may be modified by the director if strict compliance would result in substandard reception.
         f.   Setbacks. If the subject parcel abuts a residential zoning district, the dish shall be set back a minimum distance from the lot line equal to the height of the antenna.
   B.   Wireless Communications Facilities. Wireless communications facilities may be permitted with a conditional use permit as provided in Section 16.44.170B4. Wireless communications facilities, including supporting towers and related ground-mounted structures and equipment shall be designed, constructed/installed, and maintained in compliance with the following development standards.
      1.   Site Selection Order of Preference. Wireless communication facilities shall be located in the order of preference outlined below. As part of the application process, applicants for cellular wireless communication facilities shall be required to provide written documentation demonstrating a good faith effort in locating facilities in compliance with this subsection.
         a.   On existing structures (e.g., a billboard, church steeple, communication towers, freestanding sign, water tank, etc.);
         b.   In locations where the existing topography, vegetation, or other structures provide the greatest amount of screening; or
         c.   On parcels without significant visual mitigation required.
      2.    Locational Criteria. Wireless communication facilities shall not be located within a front or street side yard in any zoning district.
      3.   Co-location. City agencies, special districts, and utility providers shall encourage and allow "co-location" of wireless communications equipment on appropriate existing structures and towers subject to reasonable engineering requirements.
      4.   Equipment Height. Wireless communications facilites that do not exceed fifteen (15) feet over the height limit for the applicable zone may be approved with a minor conditional use permit issued by the director, pursuant to Chapter 16.52. Facilities that exceed fifteen (15) feet over the maximum height of the applicable zone require a conditional use permit issued by the Planning Commission, pursuant to Chapter 16.52. Height shall be measured from finish grade to the highest point of the facility.
      5.   Painting. The equipment and supporting structure shall be painted a single, neutral, nonglossy color (e.g., earth-tones, gray. etc.) and, to the extent possible, compatible with the appearance and character of the surrounding neighborhood:
      6.   Plans. Plans for the wireless communication facility shall be submitted with an application for a minor conditional use permit, in compliance with Chapter 16.52:
      7.   Signs. Identification signs, including emergency phone numbers of the wireless service provider, shall be posted and readable at ground level, at all equipment/tower sites;
      8.   Underground Wiring. Electrical and equipment wiring shall be placed underground: and
      9.   Unused/Obsolete Equipment. Unused/obsolete equipment or towers shall be removed from the site within six months after their use has ceased.
      10.   Fencing. Fencing may be constructed around the site in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 16.22 (Fences, Hedges, and Walls). Wrought iron fencing shall be used when adjacent to freeways.
      11.   Landscape Screening. Screening of the site shall be provided subject to the review and approval of the director.
      12.   Other Requirements. The following additional items shall be submitted fora wireless telephone antennae:
         a.   Photo enhancement showing monopole or tower as it would appear after construction, including landscaping. If an architecturally enhanced pole is to be utilized, examples shall be provided.
         b.   Map of regional network for the system.
         c.   Map of search ring and a matrix of all properties within the search ring. The map shall demonstrate primary location and any alternatives within the search ring.
(Ord. 610-24 § 13, 2024; Ord. 427-09 § 4, 2009; Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)
16.44.180 Vehicle Dealerships.
   A.   Design Issues. Vehicle dealerships are establishments that specialize in the sale of one or more lines of new automobiles and/or used vehicles and in the servicing of that line or lines.
   B.   Site Planning.
      1.   Showrooms shall be oriented toward major public streets.
      2.   Outdoor vehicle display areas shall occur only on permanent at-grade display areas or low-rise platforms (four feet maximum) that are architecturally compatible with the project. Rotating vehicle display platforms are not allowed.
      3.   Provisions shall be made onsite for the unloading of vehicles from carriers. Vehicle unloading on non-residential streets may occur in the right-of-way only if special turn-outs are provided.
      4.   Screened storage areas shall be provided for vehicles awaiting repairs.
      5.   Potentially noisy activities, (e.g., vehicle repair, cleaning, or testing) shall not be located near or oriented towards residential.
      6.   Customer parking shall be provided for the sales, service, and parts areas.
      7.   Sufficient space shall be provided for service drop-offs to prevent stacking of waiting vehicles onto a public street.
      8.   All non-vehicle storage areas shall be screened from view from the public street and any adjacent residential area. No storage, except vehicle storage, shall occur that is visible from a public street.
   C.   Building Design.
      1.   Buildings shall be stylistically consistent on all sides, carefully detailed, and architecturally related to each other.
      2.   Service uses shall be wholly contained within a building of solid (e.g. masonry) construction. All vehicle access to the individual service bays shall be from within the building itself with no more than two or three exterior doors to provide access to the building. The access points to the service building shall not be visible from or face toward a public street or any adjacent residential uses.
      3.   Walls and fences shall be architecturally compatible with the buildings.
   D.   Special Requirements.
      1.   All outdoor lighting shall be consistent with the Mount Palomar dark sky provisions regarding lighting see Section 16.18.110 (Mount Palomar Lighting Standard).
      2.   Public address systems, shall not be used in outdoor areas. Beepers and/or personal pagers can be used if necessary to contact employees outdoors.
      3.   Wash racks shall be located so that they are not visible or audible from a public street or residential area. Wash areas shall be designed to comply with city requirements for stormwater/urban runoff management and discharge controls.
      4.   All non-vehicle storage areas shall be screened from public view from adjoining properties and from the public right-of-way by appropriately designed walls and landscaping.
      5.   Compressors and similar equipment shall be located in the interior of the site to minimize impacts on adjacent properties.
      6.   Because landscaping along display perimeters is typically minimal and low level, other landscaped areas shall be designed to compensate for the absence of vertical landscape elements. Building perimeters shall be heavily landscaped and parking lots shall contain significantly more landscaping than is required for retail commercial parking lots.
      7.   All new dealerships whose sales consist primarily of new vehicles shall submit a comprehensive sign program application consistent with § 16.38.060. If no sign program is approved, the dealership will be subject to the sign standards of the zone.
(Ord. 610-24 § 14, 2024; Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997; Ord. 524 Exhibit B, 2017)