16.44.210 Bingo.
   A.   Definition. Bingo is defined as a game of chance in which prizes are awarded on the basis of designated numbers or symbols on a card which conform to numbers or symbols selected at random. The winning cards shall not be known prior to the game by any person participating in the playing or operation of the bingo game.
   B.   Qualified Organizations. A qualified organization to operate the game of bingo is a mobile home park association, a senior citizens organization, or an organization exempted form the payment of bank and corporation tax by Sections 23701(a), 23701(d), 23701(e), 23701(f), 23701(g) and 23701(l) of the State Revenue and Taxation Code.
   C.   License. A business license issued by the city is required to operate a bingo game. The license can only be issued to a qualified organization. It is unlawful for any person to conduct a bingo game, unless that person is a member of the qualified organization, acting on their behalf. The qualified organization is responsible for providing written proof at the time of application of their tax exempt status.
   D.   Limitations:
      1.   A qualified organization shall conduct a bingo game only on property owned or leased by the organization. The property must be used by the organization for the purpose of the organization's operation, including offices.
      2.   No minors are allowed to participate in any bingo game.
      3.   All bingo games shall be open to the public.
      4.   Bingo games shall be operated and staffed only by members of the qualified organization operating the game, excluding security personnel.
      5.   The qualified organization shall provide proof to the Planning Department that adequate off-street parking is available.
      6.   The building used for the games shall comply with California Building Codes.
      7.   Individual prizes shall not exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).
      8.   No person shall receive or pay a profit, wage, salary or percentage from any bingo game authorized by Ordinance 356-06 and this Development Code.
      9.   All profits shall be kept in a separate, special fund and used only for charitable purposes or distributed to organizations exempt under Section 23701(d).
      10.   A portion of the proceeds, not to exceed twenty (20) percent, may be used for expenses outlined in Section 9.G. 2 of the ordinance.
      11.   No alcohol shall be served or consumed in the same room or location as the game by operators, managers, board members or players.
      12.   Players must be physically present at the game to play.
(Ord. 367 § 4 (part), 2006)