Consistent with the provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974, being California Government Code Sections 81000 - 81016, a system of voluntary electronic filing of campaign disclosure statements is established in order to streamline the filing process for elected officers, candidates and committees that are required to file such disclosures and to enhance the public's access to campaign disclosure reports. (Ord. 490, 2014)
A. Except as set forth in subsections D, E, and F, any elected officer, candidate, committee or other person required to file specified statements, reports or other documents with the city clerk as required by Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 84100) of Title 9 of the California Government Code, also known as the Political Reform Act, and that has received contributions or made expenditures of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or more, may electronically file such statements using the city clerk's online system according to procedures established by the city clerk.
B. To ensure reporting continuity, once any statement, report or other document is filed electronically on behalf of any elected officer, candidate, or committee as set forth in subsection A above, all future statements, reports and other documents on behalf of that officer, candidate or committee shall be required to be filed electronically using the city clerk's online filing system except as provided in subsection F.
C. Any elected officer, candidate, committee or other person who has electronically filed a statement, report or other document using the city clerk's online filing system is not required to file a copy of that document in paper format with the city clerk.
D. Any elected officer, candidate, committee or other person may opt-out of the electronic filing system by filing all original statements, reports and other documents in paper format with the city clerk. Electronic filing is not required until an elected officer, candidate, committee or other person opts-in by electronically filing any statement, report or other document at which point all future statements, must be filed electronically except as provided in subsection F.
E. In any instance in which an original statement, report or other document must be filed with the Secretary of State or Riverside County Registrar of Voters, and a copy of that document is also required to be filed with the Murrieta city clerk, the filer may file the copy with the city clerk either in paper format or electronically using the clerk's online filing system. Use of the electronic system will trigger the opt-in provisions described in subsections B and D.
F. If the city clerk's system is not capable of accepting a particular type of statement, report or other document, an elected officer, candidate, committee or other person shall file that document in paper format with the city clerk. (Ord. 490, 2014)