A.   Required Data And Information: A registered professional engineer or a registered land surveyor acting for the subdivider shall meet with the Mt. Pulaski township highway commissioner and the committee in charge of streets on the location of the subdivision and shall present sufficient data and information relative to the proposed street improvements to ensure satisfactory grading and drainage. The Mt. Pulaski township highway commissioner may refer matters that require additional clarification to the county superintendent of highways. (1977 Code)
   B.   Guarantee Of Improvements: The subdivider shall enter into a contract with the city wherein, for the consideration of acceptance of the street improvements by the city, the subdivider agrees to construct streets in the subdivision to the standards prescribed herein at his own expense with no cost to the township or the county. The subdivider shall post a surety bond or certified check for completion in the full amount of the cost of construction, plus fifty percent (50%), of all required improvements listed herein as estimated by a registered professional engineer or registered land surveyor who has been approved by the city council to ensure the faithful performance of this contract. (1977 Code; amd. 2010 Code)
   C.   Grading:
      1.   The full width of the right of way shall be graded, including the subgrade of the areas to be paved.
      2.   All stumps and trees that cannot be saved, boulders and similar items shall be removed.
      3.   All grading in the subdivision shall be related to the topography of the surrounding area. All street embankments shall be raised at least one and one-half feet (11/2') above high water.
   D.   Surface Water Drainage:
      1.   The subdivision shall have an adequate stormwater system which shall be connected with an approved outlet.
      2.   In subdivisions containing lots less than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet in area and in business and industrial districts, underground storm sewer systems shall be constructed throughout the subdivision and connected to an approved outlet.
      3.   Correction of any inadequate surface water drainage shall be covered by the maintenance bond.
   E.   Minimum Pavement Widths:
      1.   All streets shall be improved with pavements to an overall width in accordance with the following minimum dimensions:
   Type Of Street
   Pavement Width
   (Back To Back Of Curbs)
   Type Of Street
   Pavement Width
   (Back To Back Of Curbs)
Major thoroughfares
In accordance with federal, state, county or local plans
Arterial street
44 feet with 10 foot center median
40 feet
Minor street
34 feet
34 feet
Marginal access street
28 feet
Half street
1/2 the width of the proposed street, but not less than 14 feet
      2.   Pavement in cul-de-sac turnabouts in all developments shall have a minimum diameter of eighty feet (80') with permanent type edge.
      3.   Streets in industrial or business subdivisions may be required to have greater widths as directed by the plan commission.
   F.   Roadway Surfacing: Pavements shall be installed in accordance with the following standards: (1977 Code)
      1.   Base Course: Gravel and crushed stone base course to a depth of six inches (6") compacted in residential subdivisions, and to a depth of twelve inches (12") compacted in manufacturing and business subdivisions. The construction work shall be carried out in accordance with section 29 of the "Standard Specifications For Road And Bridge Construction", prepared by the state of Illinois department of transportation, division of highways, adopted August 1968, as amended. The material used in the top three inch (3") course of this base shall be either grade 7, 8, 9 or 11 as specified in said specifications. The material in the lower portion of the base may be either of the above named grades, or it may be a processed aggregate meeting the following graduation requirements: (1977 Code; amd. 2010 Code)
Passing a 3 inch sieve
   100 percent
Passing a 1 inch sieve
   60 to 90 percent
Passing a 11/2 inch sieve
   40 to 80 percent
Passing a no. 8 sieve
   20 to 45 percent
Passing a no. 200 sieve
   5 to 15 percent
If crushed gravel is used, the clay content shall be not less than five percent (5%) nor more than ten percent (10%).
Pit run gravel will not be satisfactory for use in the base construction. (1977 Code)
      2.   Surface: When the above base is in place and accepted by the county superintendent of highways and the committee in charge of streets of the city council, a bituminous surface not less than two inches (2") thick and conforming with the aforementioned specifications for B-5 modified plant mix of 1-11 bituminous concrete surface shall be placed upon it. After the base course is completed, the bituminous surface shall not be placed upon it for a winter season including the months of December, January and February or for six (6) months if approved by the city engineer. (1977 Code; amd. 2010 Code)
      3.   Notification Of Start Of Construction: The county superintendent of highways, the Mt. Pulaski township highway commissioner and the committee in charge of streets shall be notified forty eight (48) hours in advance of the starting date of any work on the street. The three (3) aforementioned persons or committees shall be furnished with a list of sources of materials used on the job in time to check the work. Materials to be used on the job may be subject to inspection at the source or at the street construction site. Construction work may be inspected at the time of construction and also following construction. Random core borings may be made at the discretion of the county superintendent of highways and the committee in charge of streets to assure that construction of the pavement has been carried out in compliance with the rules and regulations noted above.
      4.   Concrete An Acceptable Surface: Nothing herein contained shall be construed as eliminating concrete as an acceptable surface, provided all requirements herein contained are satisfied and approved by the county superintendent of highways and the Mt. Pulaski township highway commissioner.
   G.   Curbs And Gutters: All subdivisions shall be provided with Portland cement concrete curbs and gutters. Curbs and gutters shall not be less than eighteen inches (18") in width and not less than six inches (6") thick where the gutter abuts the street pavements.
   H.   Sidewalks: Portland cement concrete sidewalks at least four feet (4') wide and four inches (4") thick shall be required on both sides of a street in all subdivisions containing any lot or lots one hundred feet (100') or less in width. Sidewalks shall be installed in accordance with standards and specifications approved by the plan commission.
   I.   Unpaved Areas: All unpaved areas within the dedicated street area shall be graded and seeded in an approved manner.
   J.   Curb Corners: All curb corners shall have a minimum radius of not less than twenty five feet (25').
   K.   Stormwater Inlets, Outlets And Culverts: Stormwater inlets or outlets and culverts shall be provided within the roadway improvements at points so as to facilitate adequate stormwater runoff from the street pavement. The minimum design and specification for such structure shall be obtained from the city engineer.
   L.   Street Name Signs: A four-way metal street sign shall be installed at each street intersection. The letters shall be at least three and one-half inches (31/2") high. The post shall be not less than two inches (2") inside diameter galvanized iron water pipe or equal, ten feet (10') long. They shall be installed at a height of not less than seven feet (7') and shall be placed not less than one foot (1') nor more than ten feet (10') from the edge of the pavement.
   M.   Alleys: Alley pavements shall be twenty feet (20') wide and in accordance with the street specifications.
   N.   Pedestrianways: Five foot (5') wide Portland cement concrete walks shall be installed.
   O.   Survey Monuments:
      1.   Concrete or stone monuments four inches (4") in diameter or square three inches (3") long, with a flat top, shall be set at all street corners, at all points where the street lines intersect the exterior boundaries of the subdivision, and points of curve in each street.
      2.   The top of the monument shall have an indented cross to identify the location and shall be set flush with the finished grade.
   P.   Public Utility Easements:
      1.   All overhead utility services for telephone, electric service and similar installations shall be placed, insofar as possible, at the line easements for lots less than forty three thousand five hundred sixty (43,560) square feet in area. All underground utility services for telephone, electric, gas and other similar services shall be placed within an easement or dedicated public way so that these utility service lines will not conflict with other underground services and shall be buried to a minimum of three feet (3'). Transformer boxes and similar installations shall be located so as not to be unsightly or hazardous to the public.
      2.   Where an underground utility is to be placed in an area which has a permanent type street or sidewalk surface, or upon which such a surface is to be constructed within a period of six (6) months, the backfill above the utility, or in the case of sewers, above the top of the gravel cradle, to the level of the bottom of the permanent type surface shall be made with material specified for "selected granular backfill". In areas not now subject to vehicular traffic, nor in the opinion of the committee in charge of streets, likely to be, backfill may be made with selected excavation material, free from clods and stones. Compaction of all backfill material shall be done by one of the following methods:
         a.   Backfill shall be placed in layers not exceeding twelve inches (12") in depth, each layer to be thoroughly tamped to the satisfaction of the committee in charge of streets.
         b.   Backfill shall be flushed with water or jetted to the satisfaction of the committee in charge of streets, after which flushing or jetting such settlement as may have occurred shall be filled with surplus material. (1977 Code)